Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Random Thoughts

 Dear Online Nerd Diary, 

Here's what's been going on for the last week or so.

Bitter cold in my little corner of East Tennessee.  Swept in Sunday night.  Lows in the single digits, with wind chills below Zero.  Cold enough to freeze a dog turd.  I know this because I booted one 25 feet at the edge of the woods while we walked the dog yesterday.  It wasn't fresh.  It had been there long enough to freeze solid.  

The dog was not impressed.

The cold snap comes on the tail of the snow event back on the tenth.  Because of where our house and yard sit on the ridge, we don't receive a lot of direct sunlight in the winter months.  The sun travels behnd the treeline for most of the day, so the yard stays in shadow.  And even on the days it warmed up into the mid-50's, the snow didn't melt.  It took a weekend of light rain and temps not dipping below freezing to get the bulk of the stuff to melt.  And even then, when the temps dipped Sunday, we've traded snow for a sheet of ice.  That'll probably be here until temps get back up this weekend, or longer.

Still, the connectedness that comes from being online.  I somehow have ended up with multiple acquaintances in Wisconsin, where they're dealing with temps in the -20s.  

Fuck that, and the eyelashes freezing to glasses.  Which in a weird bit of synchronicity, Shyam mentioned that her Uncle told her about, from his Air Force Days in Minot.  

I hope things don't happen in 3's because my eyelashes are just about the only attractive thing on my body.

Eyelashes are a 10.

The other parts range from 4 down to in the -20's.....


Took Shyam to see The Goonies on the Big Screen Sunday.  One of those Fathom Events showings, this one in honor of this year being the 40th anniversary of its initial release (a number that is, well, a little sobering).  My sister and I probably watched Goonies a hundred times from 1986 forward.  I know the movie pretty much by heart.

Still, there was a small thing I noticed in this viewing that I hadn't before.  In the kitchen, early in the movie, when The Walsh kids and friends have accepted the papers for their father from Troy's father, and Brandon turns on the faucet on Mouth when he sits in the sink.  Mouth goes to get a paper towel from the wall fixture, and ends up knocking the whole unit askew on the wall.  He spends a couple seconds trying to re affix it to the wall, but abandons the exercise to join Mikey and friends looking at the map....

No other comment.  Just something I'd noticed in a movie I've watched a hundred times, but had never noticed before.

The movie itself was pretty well attended.  A smaller theater, at the AMC 18 in Chattanooga...probably 100 seats total, but I'd guess 40-50 people in the showing.  Mostly late stage Gen Xers with a few early stage Millennials.  Those of us who were right in the wheelhouse for the movie's release and even more important Home Video and Cable releases.  

Our copy was a video copy of a rental.  It was a big deal that Dad could borrow a VCR from his work....we probably had 2 dozen movies that we copied and watched over and over.  The Goonies.  European Vacation.  Karate Kid.  Short Circuit.  Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (still my sentimental favorite of the Indiana Jones flicks, even if it's probably the weakest of the original 3).


Watched a little football this weekend.  The Chiefs won.  And while I do feel Pat Mahomes gets a call or two for penalties that other quarterbacks might not get, I also feel that Houston took, what, 8 sacks?  And was playing with a quarterback with a bad wheel for most of the game.  

And I actually think this is Buffalo's year.  The Buffalo/Baltimore game was the game I really wanted to watch....both teams were fun to watch, and I was rooting for Baltimore, so that Derrick Henry might get a ring after playing for the garbage organization based in Nashville for most of his career.

I turned a weird corner with the Titans after they fired Mike Vrabel.  I don't necessarily think Vrabel hung the moon, but I think he deserved better than he got from the Titans organization.  I watched only parts of 3 or 4 games they played this year, and a couple of those only because we'd gotten together with friends to watch games at Buffalo Wild Wings.

They performed badly enough to get the #1 Draft Pick.  They replace the GM (who was the problem to start with, not Vrabel).   I dunno if they'll keep on with Callahan, or go in a different direction so the GM can get his own guy in there.  The whole organization feels like a clusterfuck.  I don't have faith they'll do good things with the draft pick.

Am I about the jump ship?

I dunno.  I don't do that easily.  But I have really supported the Titans in any way beyond watching on the TeeVee in years?



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