18 years ago, I started this bloodletting thing men call a blog.
I'm not here as much as I used to be, but I appreciate all who continue to visit, seeing if I'm still farting around.
The answer is: yes. I am still farting around.
An online journal from perhaps the biggest, stupidest Tommy on all the internet.
18 years ago, I started this bloodletting thing men call a blog.
I'm not here as much as I used to be, but I appreciate all who continue to visit, seeing if I'm still farting around.
The answer is: yes. I am still farting around.
posted by Tommy at 15:37 1 Comments
We vote as a nation tomorrow.
A great many still believe in the demagogue.
Just remember that the demagogue does not believe in you.
posted by Tommy at 14:31 0 Comments
I'm a little big for my britches. Figuratively and literally.
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