Sunday, December 29, 2024


 My buddy Troy sent me a little something that arrived in the mail today.  A souvenir scorecard from an exhibition game between the Chicago Cubs and their AAA affiliate in Iowa.  Even better, the scorecard is from 1984, right when I first really started paying attention to the Cubs, their players and just what this thing called Major League Baseball was.  Fun to see the Cubs' roster still shows Bill Buckner, who gets traded to the Red Sox in a deal that brings Dennis Eckersley to Chicago.  Fun to see that coaching staff...Jim Frey, Ruben Amaro.....Don Zimmer......

There's a meme going around saying that there's no stronger advocacy than an average baseball player and a kid who watched him when he was 9 years old.

Well, I was 7, but I have a lot of love for both Bobby Dernier and Keith Moreland.  And oddly, Thad Bosley, who's listed on the Iowa roster for this game.

Thad Bosley is maybe my favorite answer for Immaculate Grid, when the Cubs and Royals cross over.  Also if the cubs and Rangers, or Cubs and Angels cross over.  Or any combo of those teams cross over.  He's usually good for a 0.5% or less percentage answer.

It is also because of Bosley that I have a fondness for the pinch hitters, extraordinaire, of the game's history.....

Saturday, December 28, 2024


Random Thoughts

Just a couple thoughts that I've had bouncing around my head.


We did our family Christmas Thursday night.  As previously mentioned, we waited until we could get everybody together to celebrate.  It was nice.  We just did a snacky type dinner, with sandwich fixings, sausage balls and deviled eggs, and a few other trimmings.  

Gifts were given.  I gifted my nephew and brother-in-law each a hatchet that I'd joined a kickstarter for way back in 2022.  It was a whole thing, where I had actually given my hatchets up for dead, and that I had just lost the money.  When out of the blue they showed up in February of this past year (nearly 2 years after I'd ordered, and after 2 Christmases when I'd planned to give them as gifts).  Both seemed to like them.

Got another really nice gift.  The Cubs will be in Atlanta in September of this coming season, and April and Lee got me a couple tickets to the game on September 8.  That's a Monday.  Don't know how routes will start shaking out this year if Shyam's Aunt Beth decides to retire, but I think we can make a trip to Atlanta happen.

It's been a minute since the last time I got to see the Cubs play live.  It may have been may have been before that, even.  I'm thinking I got to seem them in 2019 for sure.


I'm vaguely optimistic about the upcoming season.  I'm liking the rotation, and you can't sneeze at having Kyle Tucker in the lineup.  He's the type of bat that may end up making Happ, Busch and Suzuki a little better, if only because they will have a little more production pressure taken off them.

I'd like to see what's happens at third base, which just turned into a black hole last year between Morel and Paredes.  I'm guessing we see Matt Shaw get at least a couple months worth of hacks at the hot corner.  I've seen a couple people supposing you could see Tucker get a couple reps at third, but I think he stays in the outfield.

I echo my belief with Turner that it's only a good trade, though, if you can sign him to a deal.

That said, I kinda like the rotation.  And I'd like to see them grab a couple more arms for the bullpen.  Is Alzolay slotted for closer, coming back from injury?  Maybe use some of that money they're saving from trading Bellinger for a good arm or two.

And truth be told, my memories of the bullpen are largely painted by that stretch in May and June when they were total fucking bullshit.  They were pretty solid in the second half.  I keep looking at that blown save number, and shake my head, because had they blown just half those saves last year, they'd have been a 95 or 96 win team.

Now, nobody was beating the Dodgers last year (and maybe this coming year), but 96 wins is nothing to sneeze at.


I'm using the prhase "nothing to sneeze at" a lot, and for that you have my most humble apologies....


Went on the route yesterday, and at one of my stops, we were trading the normal questions you ask of people you see about once a week, foremost this week being "Did you have a nice Christmas?"

This particular stop has a pretty black labrador that is kinda skittish around people, but after a few months of not pushing the issue, finally let me pet her last fall.  It felt good making a new dog friend

I asked if she, too, had a nice Christmas.  She perked her head up at my question.  The owner of the store said "Yeah, she had a great Christmas!  She got more presents than I did!"

And indeed, she was sleeping on a comfy new giant pillow.

I had to laugh, as since Shyam and I don't have kids, I like to put out Santa Claus gifts of treats and toys for Thesaurus and the cats.  

Itsabit got a new laser mouse, and couldn't be happier....


It's a Saturday off.  Shyam is running a short route this morning, and I'll go check on Mom after while, to see if she needs any hatches battened down before this evening's forecast bad weather wanders in.

I'll leave you folks to it....keep it out of your butts, folks......

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Christmas and whatnot

 A belated Merry Christmas to the sevens of you reading the blogamathing.  I hope it was restful, and you were able to celebrate in the way that you found most appropriate.

We're actually only half done.  Later today, we'll go celebrate with a small party at my mother's house.  My brother-in-law was traveling to Virginia yesterday to bring his daughter down for her Christmas break, so we postponed a day.

Shyam and I had a visit with her folks yesterday, where we traded gifts.  I spent the afternoon at the movie theater, watching A Complete Unknown with my nephew (who is low key obsessed with Dylan), my sister and my mother (who was interested in the subject matter, but was more interested to see how they fixed up Cape May, New Jersey, her hometown, for the filming of the flick).  

As for the movie?  Well, it just didn't do a whole lot for me.  There was little nuance to the Dylan character, and even less in Chalamet's performance.  (Or, it's possible that Chalamet hit the nail exactly on the head, and I'd have been as bored with Dylan in person as I am his public persona).  All told, the flick verges very close to caricature not just of Dylan but of an entire era.

And it could just be this:  I have a hard time with just about any biopic, musical or otherwise, without it passing through the Dewey Cox filter in my head.  I've seen this biography movie before, or some variation on it, when I watched Walk the Line (also directed by Mangold), or Ray, or The Doors, or Bohemian Rhapsody....

But I digress.

I did get a very nice gift for Christmas.  A handful actually, but one that kinda touched me, because I hadn't even realized that I wanted or needed it.  During the mowing season (which lasts in SE TN from roughly the last week of February until the first week of the next February), I've got a pair of noise cancelling headphones that I've been using for years now.  And they've been beaten to shit, especially this past year.  The plastic housing has started breaking apart, and a metal piece of the sliding arm scratched the shit out of my head when I wore the headphones without a ballcap this fall.  I corrected that particular problem with some painters tape.  I needed a new pair of earphones, but when the problem was out of sight, it was out of mind.

Shyam got me a new pair of earphones.  Nothing expensive--don't need expensive, only functional.  But she remembered my quandary.  Not breaking the bank, but it made me smile.  Sometimes she knows me better than I know myself.

She also got me journal that was made out of a discarded library hardcover copy of one of James Blish's Star Trek readers.  I'll get a picture of it and share it, and see if she can get me the name of the seller that makes them, and their platform, so I can c share it.  But I'm a big maker of lists, and a journal always come in handy for such things.

She also got me a new electronic handwarmer, which we'll need the next couple months at least.....

Anyway, we're doing family Christmas tonight, and I think I'm gonna lose this year's bad gift contest with my sister.  My heart just wasn't in it this year, and while I'm sure she'll appreciate the McRib t-shirt I got her, it pales in comparison with some of the really good bad gifts I've gotten her in the past.  The Randy Savage costume sweatshirt was probably my favorite, but the calendar with pictures of yours truly, and the McRib advertising banner were all something to be proud of.....

Monday, December 23, 2024

Cookies and Books.

Wandered out into town this morning.  Shyam had made some Christmas fudge for our friend John and his family.  His family likewise participates in something they call "Cookiegeddon" in which dozens of types of cookies get made and sent around the world to people at the holiday season.  It's a labor of love, but definitely a labor.  John's mentioned that as he and his family ages, it gets a little more difficult.  This year was doubly so, since John had the fun time of a ruptured appendix early this year, which has kept him out of work since the spring.  

He's been on the mend though, and he's looking at returning to work in January.  

I gifted John a copy of Dynamite Nashville, by Betsy Phillips.  Betsy's an old blogging pal, and you can still read her stuff for the Nashville Scene.

That one's been a project for her for a while, and it published earlier this year.  It's a very readable, very conversational book.  Betsy's been working on a mystery (or mysteries) in these Nashville bombings for years.  I highly recommend the book, if you can get ahold of it.  I just saw that it popped up on Audible, this week.  I bought my physical copies for gifting from Parnassus Books in Nashville....

And I gave one to John.

Sunday, December 22, 2024

In which Time Does Fly

 Five years ago, today, in 2019, on what was also a Sunday, I got probably the most disrespectful phone call I've ever gotten.

A little background.  In 2018, the store I was working, where I'd been an assistant manager for 10 of the 14 years I'd been in the position, was hiring a new Store Manager.  5 people applied.  4 of those people had a combined 80 years experience as salaried management for Food Lion.  The fifth had less than a year.   

Much less than a year.

They got the job.

They were bad.  I went from working 45-50 hours a week to working 55-60, right off the bat.  I would be working that schedule, the new manager said, until I learned how to run a store.

This despite being pulled aside and being told that I would need to show her the ropes on a great many things.  And successful and happy completion of said task would be a great feather in my cap toward the promotion I was just denied.  

For most of a year, I was the bigger man.  Not reacting to baiting arguments.  Working extra hours while she worked fewer.  Getting thrown under the bus.  Having to apologize to customers for her demeanor.  Until I popped in September of 2019, after she had told several people that I was sleeping in the office during my closing shifts.  We all had a sit down with what was supposed to be the Director, but was pawned off on one of his lieutenants.  That day was one of the worst days in my life.  Nothing was resolved.  What should have been  confidential complaint was very much public.  It was difficult for John, the guy who had to handle it.  It was chickenshit by the Director, who pawned the whole thing off on John.  And it made our working relationship even more difficult.    Between my manager and me.   Between John and Me.  And especially between the Director, Jim, and me.

Cut to 3 months later.  She left the company.  Whether it was voluntary or involuntary depended on who you asked.  But I returned from a trip to Florida to having to run a store during Christmas short another salaried manager.  I didn't get a day off for 16 days, counting that Sunday the 22nd.

I was checking a grocery order, when the director called.  He saw that I had bid on the recently opened position.  And he was calling to inform me that I would not be considered for the role.

I asked why not.

He said that he had too many questions about my work ethic.  

When I asked for elaboration, he hemmed and hawed and there were too many times in the past year when I had left my former manager hanging.  He wouldn't in good conscience put me in charge of a store.  When I asked if I could have examples of leaving her hanging, he declined to offer any.

I was mystified.  To call a person, 3 days before Christmas, when I was running myself ragged.  It was an either the most mystifyingly ignorant move, or a willfully cruel one.  I've bounced back and forth for years between the two, and I actually think it's a little of both.   The fact is, though, that the aforementioned aide John's job was being eliminated, and he was going to have to be a store manager if he wanted to keep employment.  Jim could have shot straight with me and said that.   But he didn't.  

I've spent a lot of time over the past few years thinking about why I didn't walk.  And wishing that I had truly recognized how badly I was being treated.

And kicking myself for being a coward.

And I don't know if it's cowardice or not.  But in my low points, that's where I land.

Maybe it's just pragmatism.  I mean, I had a decent job, with decent pay, and a lot of vacation time.  Looking for a new job sure is fun.

But the job wasn't that good.  And the pay really wasn't that decent (and would become less decent over the next 3 years).  And the vacation time was really more of a hassle than it was worth.  In a store with a lot of experienced staff, you could go 26 weeks out of the year short an MoD because of vacations.  And when you returned from vacations, you often had to spend 2 days cleaning up the messes.


Today was much better.  Nobody called me at the beginning of a uber busy day 3 days before a huge holiday to tell me what a lazy piece of shit I was.

I don't know why I still fret about this things.  Why shit like this bothers me when it really shouldn't.

It's not like I'm losing sleep over it.  But I do have a head for dates.  And it just kind of stuck with me.

Maybe writing about it will help.  If I can get it out on paper (or computer pixel), maybe my thoughts will organize enough that they aren't rolling around inside my head like an out of control freight train.

A minor postscript.  On Christmas Day that year, we lost refrigeration at the store.  The way we were set up, we checked refrigeration twice a day on Christmas Day.  Once in the morning, once in the afternoon.  I checked in the afternoon.  And we were losing refrigeration for our meat department.  I kept restarting the system, which would keep it going, but it would shut off after about 30 minutes.  I iced the department down, and covered it up, and waited 3 hours for a tech to show up.  Turns out, it was an easy fix that should have had him in and out in 30 minutes, but he took another 3 hours to fix, soaking up a nice bit of holiday overtime.  So, all told, I worked about 7 hours on what was going to be my first day off in 19.  And missed Christmas dinner.

All told, I probably should have just taken that as another sign from Heaven, or Hell or WhatHaveYou to go hunt up another job.

But then, the name of the blog is Big Stupid Tommy.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

In which he gets old

 Well, friends.  Today, I got a CPAP machine.  To help combat sleep apnea.  

Had a therapist show me how to use it.  

We'll see how well it took.

Especially considering I stopped at the grocery store for dinner fixings, and forgot to pick up the distilled water for the CPAP.  

We'll see.

Have I talked much on the blog about my visit to the hospital in 2022?

For a couple weeks in August of 2022, I was feeling extremely run down, and I wasn't sleeping well.  I had one particular night where I went into the store on about 2 hours sleep.  About that time, some light chest congestion popped up, and I decided to go see a doctor, to make sure I wasn't carrying around some bronchitis or Covid or some other bullshit.

Well, I was carrying some other bullshit.  My blood pressure was through the roof, and I was in AFib.  

I got to spend a couple nights in the hospital, get my blood pressure back down to normal.  I got to undergo a Cardioversion in the fall. 

It was scary.

We attempted to get a sleep study done that same fall, but my work insurance wouldn't cover it.

Since then, new insurance, and we got the sleep study done.  At home, which was a travesty in and of itself, and it involved our smoke alarm randomly going off at 4:15 in the morning of the second night.

So, it's come to my having a CPAP like many thousands if not millions of Americans.  To lessen the chances of my dying in my sleep.

Which is good.  

I guess I do need to go back out and find distilled water.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024


 Well, my intent to try to post daily was a good one, but not entirely sustainable.  Because even in December, things get busy.  

And I'm forgetful.

And sometimes there are things on TV that are fun to watch.

And sometimes there are things to go do.


My buddy Micah and I wandered out to a Mexican joint we frequent for their Trivia Night.  We usually do well.  And we like the fact that we can beat the team with eight to twelve members....the rest of the room usually likes that, too, as they tend to be the Big Dog in the Room for that particular branch of pub trivia.

Last night's game took a weird turn, as it became an unannounced Christmas Movie Trivia game.

At first, Micah and I felt comfortable.

It was soon apparent that our confidence was misplaced.

It would seem that I need to revisit a couple of the classics:  Miracle on 34th Street, which I didn't care for the last time I watched it decades ago, and White Christmas.  (We performed admirably enough on It's a Wonderful Life).

It was the more recent faire that we struggled with, to be honest.  I have never seen a Santa Clause movie.  And I know that I've seen Polar Express, but I retained zero from it, it would seem, and this despite it being my mother's favorite Christmas movie.  This became troublesome because the night contained no less than 3 different questions about plot points.  Just as a hint, at no point is a 24pack of Busch Light a plot point in Polar Express.

We managed a 4th place finish despite being a distant 7th at half time.  So, we were pleased, even if our Xennial proclivities seemed to limit our Christmas Movie knowledge to A Christmas Story, Christmas Vacation, Die Hard and Elf.

I would like it noted for the record that there were no questions about Gremlins, which is as much a Christmas movie as Die Hard.


I've seen it noted in a meme that the one bit of Christmas merchandising that is missing is a dark green Gremlin with glowing red eyes that you can hide in the middle of your Christmas tree.  I need somebody to get on this, in addition to the Kiss Kiss Bang Bang commemorative ornaments mentioned in a previous post.


Thursday, the trailer for James Gunn's Superman movie drops, and I'm gonna be honest, I'm kinda stoked for it.

I'm rooting for it.  There is part of me that very much wants somebody who cares and understands what Superman stands for to knock it out of the park.  

Too much of that film legacy got mucked up rolling around in the mud with Zack Snyder.

I'll also say that I recently started the Superman & Lois show, since it's in its final season, and I'm kinda digging it, too.


A couple of Cubs trades to speak on:

I'm really stoked about Kyle Tucker coming over from the Astros.  That's the middle of the order bat they've needed since 2021.  That's the middle of the order bat they hoped Cody Bellinger might be.  I'm just hoping this isn't a one-year rental.  I'm not real sad to see Isaac Parades go, and I'm happy Hayden Wesneski will be in a position to get some regular starts, something he wasn't going to get in Chicago.  I'm nervous about giving up Cam Smith.  I was excited to get to watch him play in local Double A ball this year, so it kinda sucks that he's moving on....but I also had a feeling he wasn't going to stay in Knoxville long.  I thought that there was an outside chance you saw him playing in Chicago in late 2025, especially if no real answer showed up at third base.  

That all said....Cam Smith is a heavy price to pay if Tucker only sticks around for one year.

And I'm not real confident that the Ricketts family will go all in on Tucker when he starts looking for 25 or 30 or more million dollars a year.  The Ricketts are perfectly happy fielding a just over .500 team so long as the Polyanna Crowd keeps visiting the Friendly Confines.

The rest of us, who visit the Friendly Confines once a decade or so, could give a shit about the amusement park atmosphere.  

Build me a winner I can watch on TeeVee.


I haven't been to Chicago in more than a decade.  

There's something called SporcleCon in Chicago this year.  It's a Trivia Con.  I'm interested.  The Cubs are in town that same weekend.  I wonder if I can swing in financially......

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Christmas flicks

 Watched a pair of favorite Christmas type movies last night.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is one that we don't miss.  I have to thank Shyam for bringing me back around to this one.  I remember getting the disc from Netflix a year or two after it came out, and it just not grabbing me.  I didn't think it was bad, but for whatever reason, it didn't snag in my consciousness.  But the way the blogosphere was working in the late 'aughts, and with Shyam mentioning how funny she thought it was when we started going out, I gave it another chance.

Yeah.  Quality flick.  Highly quotable.

A few years back, our favorite little indie cinema Central Cinema, in Knoxville, did a Christmas double feature for Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and The Nice Guys,  right around Christmas.  Shyam and I caught it on the tail end of the 3 or so day run, and had the theater almost to ourselves.  It's a small thing but it's one of my favorite memories, actually.

Hallmark does commemorative ornaments of Everything, anymore.  One of mom's favorite gifts to give is Christmas ornaments every year.  I took her up to one of the stores up in Knoxville a couple years back, and just marveled at the licensing.  Disney, Snoopy, all the major sports.  We like the Haunted Mansion and Nightmare Before Christmas stuff.  

But I would give much money for an ornament of Harry hanging from the overpass by the hand from the coffin.  Or perhaps the dog with a finger in its mouth.

Or a talking ornament saying, from above:  Merry Christmas, sorry I fucked you over.

We also watched Office Christmas Party, which I don't think gets enough love.  Fun ensemble piece.  

I could probably watch Jennifer Aniston cussing the girl in the airport lounge all day.....

Thursday, December 12, 2024

A few random thoughts about driving...

 I drive a lot.  It's a good portion of my job.  During the busy part of the year, I can drive 600 or 700 miles in a week.  I have a few observations.

These are largely brought on by a trip to Chattanooga yesterday to do a little Christmas shopping, and a little browsing at a bookstore (if I'm being honest).

Just a few free floating thoughts, almost none of them new in general, or on this blog in particular:

  • If you have to make more than one attempt at backing up into a parking spot?  You're defeating the purpose of backing into a parking spot.  And you're making people wait on your ass.
  • If you're driving a heavy duty pickup truck?  Maybe backing into that first space in the row because it's open isn't the best option, anyway.  If it's me, and I'm driving a truck that costs as much as my parents' house when they bought it in 1988, I'm going to part on down the line, anyway.  I won't be that douche who takes 4 spots...but I'm gonna grant you that you take up 2 spots as long as you're pulling through.
  • Don't be the douche who takes up two spots if you can fit in one.  
  • Don't be the douche who parts in the diagonally lined spots next to handicapped spots.  My mother and I ran into that last Christmas time.  We'd stopped to get a bite to eat, and parked in the handicapped spot, since she was on a walker last Christmas.  We came back out from lunch to find a Porsche parked on those diagonal lines.  Those are for people with van side access.  Don't park there.  There's a spot in Hell for you where they play Holiday Road by Lindsey Buckingham on repeat until Kingdom Come.
  • I'm not a fan of Dodge Rams.  I'm generalizing, and that's probably wrong, but there's a special breed out there driving Dodge Rams.  There's a large portion of our society who has completely bought in on the "alpha male" mentality.  They tailgate.  Try to intimidate.  They LOVE passing transfer trucks on the right.  And they treat every excursion onto the roads like it's some kind of race.  I do have a worrisome story that's happened in the past month or two where I ended up having to call the cops on a guy in a Ram acting like a fool on the interstate.  Tailgating.  Swerving.  And he took a particular ire in me when I honked as he cut me off.  I'll tell that one at a different time.
  • Ford F-150's of newer vintage have a lot of the same problems.  I'm not sure where the cutoff is, but I'm usually pretty cool with older F-150's.
  • I hold Kia and Lexus drivers in a lot of the same regard.  In general, they are the least likely drivers to understand the rules of the road.  They do things out of ignorance, rather than any sort of malevolence.  They are the most likely to cut people off because they don't understand where their car is in the road.  
  • Tesla and Genesis drivers are moving high up on my list of cars to watch out for.  Their drivers are most likely to drive distracted.  I don't know if it's because they take safety systems for granted, or what.  But there's a lot of swerving, and a lot of driving slowly in the left lane of the interstate with these guys.  Teslas are also the least likely to brake for you in the parking lot of a shopping center.  
  • Brake for people in shopping centers, guys.  That's a holdover from the old job, but it comes into play every now and then still.  Pedestrians have the right of way in a lot of those areas, anyway.  And it costs you nothing to not be a dick.  You're not in that big a hurry.
  • On ramps are for acceleration.  You're supposed to be close to traveling speed by the time you reach the interstate.  I know it's not always going to work that way, especially when there are a lot of cars getting on at the same time.  But a lot of the time, it gets to be hazardous because one car is toodling toward 70 mile an hour traffic at 45 miles an hour.  Get up to speed before getting on the interstate.
  • Off framps are for deceleration.  Stop slowing down ridiculously before you get off the interstate, unless there's a cloverleaf designation.  And even then, you don't need to go 45 on the interstate.
  • If you can't get up to speed, or aren't comfortable traveling at the average speed of traffic on the interstate?  You don't need to be traveling on the interstate.  90% of the time, if not more, there's a parallel highway nearby that will get you where you need to go at a speed you're more comfortable with.
  • Everybody who travels 75 South between Knoxville and say...Loudon and Sweetwater?  You can go faster than 63.  We don't need to go 90, but if we could go the speed limit, that would be awesome.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

I Saw the TV Glow

 Sat down the other night to watch this movie I Saw the TV Glow.  

It reminded me of the early 90's.  Which it's meant to, by and large...shout out to the Fruitopia machine in the background in a couple scenes.

In the early 90's my family lived back in the woods, too far from the main line to run TV Cable to.  So, we were an antenna family.  The only two things I really missed, TV-wise, were baseball and pro wrestling.

I'd been a WGN kid, so I was a Cubs fan.  We moved in the 1988 season.  Not having WGN for 1989 kinda sucked, but thew newspapers still printed line scores (at least) and box scores (some did), so you could still follow, if a day or two later.

But without cable, there was little pro wrestling to watch.  Occasionally, you'd find a WWF or WCW show floating across syndication on some fuzzy UHF channel.  Even more rarely, you'd find some local show that had managed some TV Time.  But scheduling was sporadic, and sometimes you'd set the VCR to record something coming on at 1AM on Sunday night, only to find that somebody at WFLI or some other channel had decided to show Zardoz instead.  

I found a friend at church.  We were ushers together.  Which meant that we opened doors for people needing to enter or leave the sanctuary, so the doors wouldn't make a noise when they closed.  We also took the offerings, and helped older or handicapped church members to their seats, though thinking back on it now, there were only a couple of those, and a guy named Jim, who was older than us, usually did that part.  Legally speaking, that was probably wise, though I don't think that was even in the thought process.

Anyway, one of the other ushers was a guy named Brett.  He was a couple years ahead of me in school, and we'd never interacted much, but one day I made an Undertaker reference in the vestibule when it came to how the aforementioned Jim walked.  And a friendship was born.  We talked a lot of wrestling, and it became something of an arrangement that Brett would start taping WCW Saturday Night (and later Monday Night Raw) for me.  In 1992 and 1993, this is how I watched a lot of wrestling.

We would usually pick apart the wrestling shows in intense conversations that even though I really liked pro wrestling, I was always taken somewhat aback at how intensely he was into the storylines, and how cool it would be if there were some cross promotional show where Vader and the Undertaker could have a match.

Brett's fandom, I never could completely sort out.  By 1992, I was 15 and 3 or 4 years past my true believer stage.   I always blamed a Saturday Night Main Event match between Hulk Hogan and the Honky Tonk Man for being a nail in the coffin.  HTM hit his "Shake Rattle n' Roll" neckbreaker on the Hulkster, but I said to myself "he's gonna get up" not in any sort of fannish exultation, but in admission of a tired storytelling trend.  I was never a Hulkamaniac.

But around that same time, another tape of a Clash of Champions match between Ric Flair and Ricky "the Dragon" Steamboat had popped into my hands.  The WWF was theatrical, my mind reasoned, diplomatically, but Flair and Steamboat were going at it for real!

Sometimes you just want to believe, I guess.

That was 1989.  By 1992, I knew it was all predetermined, but was still a fan of the theatrics.

Brett?  I'm pretty sure was the same way, but was just getting into the stories so much that he was like a true believer.

I never knew for sure, though.  I mean, he was Intense!

Now, it's not a lot like I Saw the TV Glow and their relationship to The Pink Opaque.

I mean, I don't believe I'm a wrestler.

(Admission:  I do believe with all my heart that I am Bret "the Hitman" Hart and I am forever locked in combat with Shawn Michaels).

As for the movie.  I liked it.  I felt like it hit its marks, and it made me uncomfortable, which was much by design.  I'm coming to like Justice Smith as a performer very much, but Brigette Lundy-Paine brought the weirdie angst.  I liked her very much.

We watched it a couple nights ago, and I keep thinking about it.....

Monday, December 09, 2024

In Which He Goes Christmas Shopping

 Dear Online Nerd Diary:

Today, I wandered north with my mother to do a little Christmas shopping.  

She got a little bit done, with a couple of ideas for things to grab in the next couple of weeks (which is advantageous, since Christmas is hurtling at us startling speed, and will be here in just over a couple weeks).

I have long since opined that the line of demarcation between child and adult, for those who celebrate Christmas, lies somewhere along the same place where the child looks at a calendar and says "Aww....Christmas is ___ Days Away!" while the adult looks at the same date and says "Damn!  Christmas is ___ Days Away!"

Working in retail all those years, knowing that I'd be working 5 and 6 (and 7) days a week in December, without a lot of extra time to shop...combined with a distaste for getting out in crowds, shopping, spending money in general and standing in line..... I do a lot of my shopping early, and online.

But there is always the problem of going into the place where I keep these presents, and occasionally wandering across an item and saying "Who the Hell is this Bucket of Drywall Screws for?"

(So early is my shopping that in 2017, when I went into my Christmas box, I found something that I'd picked up in February for Dad, a couple of weeks before he died.  That was a metaphysical kick in the nuts).

But the flip side is this:  sometimes there is one person that has gotten left out over the course of the year.  I will not name them here, but I have neglected to pick up anything for them.  Not out of any intent to leave them out.  I just....haven't seen that thing that makes me think of them.

And I did not find or see that thing that makes me think of them again. No anything for them today.

But there are ideas!

All the ideas!

So, after a day in a book store, and a Hallmark store, and a women's clothing store where I simply sat in the front of the store watching videos on my phone....

I have to go back out again.  And I'll be thankful that with the business, we're in the slow part of the year (until February or so), and I have the ability to wander back out into the Public at Christmas without fear of exhaustion because my job is to be In the Public at Christmas.

As we are verging on stream of consciousness here, I would like to mention that I miss my friend Marty.  He'll have been gone 7 years this coming January.  He's the one who used the phrase "In the Public."  It was a state of mind, and sometimes you're not fit to be "in the public."  I've borrowed it from him a lot since he's passed.  I often wondered what Marty would have thought of life events from 2019 forward.  I miss that guy. 

Sunday, December 08, 2024

An Admission

 Hi.  Welcome to the mostly defunct Big Stupid Tommy blog.

I used to write here a lot.  


Over time, it got to be less.  Work, for one.  "Working like a Botard" was a phrase stolen from TechTV back in the day.  But there were other social media outlets.  The Facespace.  Twitter.  They took a lot of the same function, and provided a lot of the same dopamine that blogging did.  But I still did some writing over here.  For a while.  It doesn't coincide exactly, but there's a mental line of demarcation for when Dad died.  He was a big part of why I wrote here.  And then my friend Steve died.  He of Elisson fame.  And other blogging pals died, too.  Trace died this year, I was sad to learn.  and long time commentor here, and other places, Grandefille passed in the summer of 2023.  And byeond them, a lot of my blogging compatriots wandered away from it, or let it dwindle.  Bill.  Emily.  Rob.  Troy.  Even Eric.  I think Sheila is the only one from back in the day still doing her regular superlative work.

I've said it a few times over the past couple of years, but I need to start writing again.

But I said it with the same amount of conviction that I've said "I need to plant some grass seed up near the fig tree," or "I need to get some gravel for the driveway" multiple times in that span, and the results been just about the same.

So, I'm challenging myself just a little, to set up a routine.

And it's worked.  To a degree.

I've written a bit the last few days.  

And it's kinda angry.  Not the stuff I like putting up for everybody to see.

I may share it.  I dunno.  But, a condensed version, just so everybody sees where my mind's at.

A couple of years ago, I got fired from the job I'd been in for nearly a couple decades.  It came as a surprise, and the things I got fired over weren't 100% true.  I was fired for making "violent statements."  There were a couple things said....that I was tired of playing babysitter for my store's front end...that were said, and I owned that.  There were other things  that I was said to have said...that I threatened to beat an associate's ass if he didn't come to work...and that I wanted to line people up against a wall and execute them....that I didn't say.

It was sobering to have my words come back to haunt me.  It fucking destroyed me to have lies made up.

But a couple people signed a piece of paper saying that I said it.  So, I lost that job.

It sucked.  

It wasn't all bad.  It was a shitty job.  It ate too much time.  It was thankless.

I started working with Shyam's family business.  And after a year of doing that, she and I decided to purchase the business.  It's been a pretty smooth transition, if I can jinx things by saying so.  And I say so by saying there are still days I feel like I don't know what the fuck I'm doing.  But she and her family are great to work with.  And the little dramas that drove me crazy  (Come to Work, America) aren't in play at all, now.  In fact, I think I'm the one that's missed the most work, after giving myself a wicked bone bruise about a month into my tenure.  Other than that, I don't think anybody's missed any work in two years.  And if I go someplace in my delivery routes (we deliver live fishing bait to stores), where there is drama, or tension?  10 minutes later, I'm in my truck driving away from it.

I can honestly say that for the first time in my life, I really like my job.

I close this post off this way.  With an admission.  I'm scared.

Of what?  I dunno.  That's anxiety for you.  

I was never a swaggering, confident asshole.  I mean, I know that's a huge surprise from a guy who named his blog Big Stupid Tommy.  But despite all that, I was able to keep an even keel for a lot of time.  Getting fired?  It fucked with my confidence a little.  Maybe a lot.  I've been very very sensitive, about screwing up, here lately.  Which plays somewhat into why I don't write more.  I enjoy writing.  It's a minor form of therapy.  Maybe blogging is just mental masturbation, but I always felt  a little better after I did it.  Like I've taken a mental shit.  But here lately, I felt like I was screwing that up too, somehow.  So, fair warning if I'm tentative.

I still like to try to be funny.  And I do have a couple things I've written in the past few months that I think are kinda funny.  Maybe if I can find my Norm MacDonald/David Letterman space to just post it because I think it's funny, and say "fuck all" to the rest of the world.

I'd like to get past losing that job.  I'd like to get past feeling like a fuckup.  So there may be a few posts about that.  I asked Shyam if it was normal to still be pissed 2 years later.  At the people who lied.  At the people who were all to ready to believe them.  

She says it is, until the next thing to be pissed about comes along.

(There are lots of things to be pissed about, by the way.  Have you seen the world lately?)

But I'd like to work past it.  If you'll excuse me, I think that's what I'm setting as a larger goal, beyond just making myself write.

So, thanks for reading.  Bear with me....