Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Some Things Just Feel Right

You know when you've hit something and it just feels right? Like when you bowl, and you know that you've just spun it really well, and you know that it's a strike without even having to watch?

That kind of it feels right. Where it just makes you feel better.

Putting on those old comfy shoes.

Falling into the normal cadence of conversation with a friend you've known forever.

Punching the shit out of a mime.

That feeling of power when you're in control of all the power windows in a car full of friends and you've had nothing to eat over the previous 12 hours except bran flakes, broccoli, Mexican food and beer....and calling you a wee bit gassy is like calling Otis Nixon a wee bit ugly.....THAT IS ULTIMATE POWER!!!!!

Well, call it wishful thinking or call it hopeless optimism. But having Greg Maddux back on the Cubs just feels like it's the right thing to do.

No, I don't expect him to come in and win 18 games, or throw 8 innings a contest, or be the go-to guy he was when he left Chicago those many moons ago.

But having a cagey veteran like Greg Maddux, who was arguably the best pitcher of the 1990's, on your pitching staff with a bit left in his arm, can't hurt. Unless he really has lost the strike zone and the wind's blowing out.

This has got to be butter for Greg, too. Because he's not the go-to guy. He's not even the back up go-to guy.

Not when you have horses like Kerry "I Kill You With Baseball" Wood, Carlos "I Kill You with Beisbol" Zambrano, Mark "I could kill you, but I'd rather embarrass you" Prior and Matt "Weird Kind-of Stoned Looking Might Kill You But Only Because He's Stoned" Clement in the staff.

I think the important thing to remember in all this is this:

Maddux didn't sign with the Yankees.

I convinced myself of it at work last night. That George "Working Within the System" Steinbrenner, in an effort to shore up his rotation would sign Greg.

So, this isn't a bad start to the day at all.

And Seriously. Otis Nixon was the UG. LEE.

He didn't get hit with the ugly stick...Otis got blown up with the Ugly Bazooka.


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