Monday, July 21, 2008

A brief commentary on blogging

A brief commentary on blogging

Seen this commercial?

It makes me smile every time I see it.

Usually because I am easily distracted, especially when somebody does something a little off kilter--something like eating a candy bar instead of answering my question. I would tend to question the taste of a gentleman who mixes Twix Bars and beer. Even shitty beer.

Don't get me wrong. I like Twix Bars. But I can't eat them anymore.

No shit. Chocolate gives me nightmares.

Anyway, that whole off-kilter thing, where a person eats a candy bar instead of answering my question? It is distracting. And it makes me happy to see it happen to another person, letting me know that this is a trait common to bloggers, and not just Tommy.

It's good. Because I was starting to take it personally. It happens rather a lot, really.

Perhaps I should find new friends, and not spend nearly so much of my time hanging around Sloth from the Goonies.

It's a thought.


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