Monday, September 22, 2014

Tommy's Mindlessly Stupid Project, volume 3

In which I continue my alphabetical journey through my movie shelf.

I'm averaging between 30 and 45 minutes a day per movie, which means each one lasts between two and four days.  Aside from the occasional movie that I've found or made time to watch from start to finish, this little project (which has been going since around Memorial Day), might take me up past Independence Day 2015....

Big Fish   (2003, D: Burton)

I've got something of a love-hate relationship with the movie.  It's almost a Liberty Valance issue....whether the value of the story has more importance than the value of the truth.  Maybe a bit of a personal struggle coming to life there.  That, and Burton's seeming daddy fixation coming to life, sometimes makes this a difficult movie to watch.  It just depends on the day I watch, I suppose.  Didn't care for it this time around.

The Big Lebowski    (1998, D: Coen)

It's up high on the list of favorite movies.  Had to sit and watch this one, because there's so much that sucks me in.  Walter's energy is still my favorite.  The machinations, with The Dude, at the center.  The tumbleweed vibe.  The check at Ralph's.  Yes.  Too much not to like....

Big Trouble   (2002, D: Sonnenfield)

A little bit of a guilty pleasure, I guess.  Dave Barry managed to write a more Carl Hiassen-esque novel than Carl Hiassen.  The movie's a fair adaptation.  Good?  Zooey Deschanel, Patrick Warburton, Jeanine Garofolo, Dennis Farina, Johnny Knoxville, Tom Sizemore and especially Andy Richter's brief appearances.  Bad?  Tim Allen.  Man, I hate me some Tim Allen.  Still, the movie itself is zany enough.  It's one that pops up on Comedy Central or the like every now and then.  It makes me smile.


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