Tuesday, August 19, 2003

This is what I dreamed of last night

"You can't buy that horse."

"Why not?"

"Because that horse has astigmatism."


"Its eyes don't work right. Everything's blurry to it."

"Can it see the road?"

"Yeah, but it can't tell good guys from bad guys."

"Sounds bad."

"Worst case of astigmatism I've ever seen in a horse."

"Can't you get it some glasses?"

"That's ridiculous. How would it tell the eye doctor if each lens made things better or worse?"

"Stomp its foot?"

"Naw. Yer just being silly."

"Well what good is it for?"

"Normally, we shoot horses with astigmatism half this bad."

"So why do you keep it?"

"We set it on top of papers we have around here, to keep them from blowing away."


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