Monday, September 15, 2003

Cubs thoughts, which meander

Peggy, over at A Moveable Beast, has a few nice things to say about the Cubs.

A short discussion has begun on her comment section about the life and times of a Cub Fan in Tennessee.

WGN spawned a lot of Cubs fans nationwide, I think. I started watching the Cubs in 1983 or so, though 1984 was the first season I started remembering stats and understanding wins and losses. And I can remember keeping track, knowing when the Cubs were home. Because I knew that when I got home from school around 3:30 or so, the Cubbies would be somewhere in the fifth inning or so.

Now, I don't know what the TV situation is like up around Chicago and otherwhere when it comes to the Cubs.

But here in Middle Tennessee, we have WGN. And they show something like 11 games a year. I mean, tonight, with the Cubs playing the Mets, they're showing re-runs of Becker and Will and Grace...which are fine television programs, I'm sure.

But if it's not Becker, it's the Rockford Files. Or Rambo. Or some other dumbass shit which I can't believe anybody really wants to see.

Except Rocky. They showed Rocky the other night. Can't hate on Rocky.

But it ain't the Cubs.

Our Fox Sports Affiliate on our cable is Fox Sports: Backwoods. It is absolutely the most worthless Fox Sports Affiliate I've ever seen. They'll show Nashville Predators games during hockey season....and beyond that, they show hunting shows, the "Best Damn Sports Show, Period" and that 54321 Extreme Sports Show. And nothing else. They've shown something like two Braves games this year, that I've seen.

ESPN isn't much better, tonight. They're showing some back woods reality game show on the main channel, and a billiards trick shot show on ESPN 2.

There was a day that you could go to the internet, and listen to the radio feed on the Cubs site. But noooooo. Major League Baseball, under the direction of a used car salesman, decided to make you pay to listen to the radio feeds.

Paying for radio, to me, even for the Cubs, is ridiculous to the point of absurdity.

The good thing? When the Cubs play a night game....And the atmosphere is right.....I can pick up WGN radio clear as a bell. All the way here in Tennessee. During the day? not so much.

But's clear as a bell. And as such, I'm a happy, happy Big Stupid Tommy. The second happy is because the Cubs are winning, as I write, 4-1.

Other thoughts on WGN: I think fans of the 80's G.I. Joe and Transformers cartoons owe a lot to WGN. That's how I saw them.

And the Bozo Show! Ye Gods! There isn't anything on kids' television nowadays that can compare with the Bozo Show!

And Bozo's Grand Prize Game? I think I'd still sell my soul to be an At-Home player for the Grand Prize Game.

I miss Cookie.

Wizzo! I got in trouble at Bible School for saying "Doody-Doody Doo"

I think I started liking Batman because every now and then Bozo would show a Batman cartoon.

Damn I miss the Bozo Show.


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