Friday, October 10, 2003

Another Thing I don't Like

Looking back over my blog, I see that there are many things that I don't like.

Fish. Tim McCarver. Steve Lyons. Traffic. Hardee's Commercials. Al Roker. The Commissioner of Baseball. The California Recall.

But all of these, they pale in comparison with Snakes.

If I have a phobia, it's snakes. Lived in the woods my whole life. I recognize that they're a valuable contributor to the ecosystem. I can recognize which ones can hurt me and which ones can't. And if push came to shove, I could handle one enough to get it away. But none of that means I still don't get the monster heebie-jeebies when I see them.

This is important information, because somehow a little corn snake made it into my folks' basement a couple of nights ago, and Dad and I had to get it out. We let it go in the woods.

I learned something today. That whole cucumber smell/copperhead thing? That's apparently a myth. I did not know that. Looked it up on this here internet.

However, it didn't stop me from very carefully finding a new and different path when I was wandering through the woods a couple of hours ago when I, for no obvious reason, began smelling a very strong cucumber smell. Nor will such news keep me from doing the same in the future.

It may have been vegetation that I smelled. But it's like The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. I'll just trust the legend for now, because it's never lead me wrong.


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