Saturday, October 18, 2003

Funky Dreams

For the second night in a row I had some pretty funky dreams.

The only thing I remember about the first was driving down a four lane highway, with people jumping from car hood to car hood while all the cars were moving. One of the people jumping from car to car was my friend Keith, who has a rather distinctive laugh in real life, and every time he'd land on a car hood, he'd start giggling with that laugh of his.

I think it's because I watched Matrix Reloaded yesterday evening. I liked it better than the first Matrix...but you have to remember that I'm more or less apathetic when it comes to the first Matrix movie. I like the kung fu, and Hugo Weaving as Agent Smith, but none of the other actors and nothing of the story.

And Matrix: Reloaded has more fighting and it still has Hugo Weaving.

But it also has the kickass freeway chase scene. And I think that's why I dreamed my friend Keith was jumping from carhood to carhood (wearing that denim jacket he always wore in high school), because one of the agents in Reloaded makes a memorable jump from car to car.

I like the freeway chase.

Keep in mind that I rate the first Matrix about a 3 on a scale of 1 to 10. And Reloaded is a 4, based almost entirely on the freeway chase.

The other dream was where I was working at the grocery store I worked as a teenager, except it was now called "Haunted Brown's." There were ghosts, except the ghosts were all people in choir robes. And there were giant spiders. And by giant, I mean big enough to stride easily from aisle to aisle by stepping over the shelves.

But mostly the dream was about a conversation I was having with my friend Sam, whom I haven't seen in five years or more, and with whom I worked at said grocery store. I thought about him yesterday when I heard somebody describe somebody else as "cool as a cucumber," which is what the store manager said Sam was, under any circumstances.

Don't know what the hell I've been eating.


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