Monday, December 15, 2003

The Pairings are Up

I know all of you, Joe, have been waiting for this more than Christmas.

The pairings are up.

1. Harlan Ellison
16. Hydrox Cookies (All Hydrox Cookies Everywhere)

8. "He'd Raise Hell with that Dumpster, if he thought it screwed him."
9. Hand Held Yahtzee Game

4. That Movie Glory--I don't get it, are they soldiers, or superheroes?
13. A key to a door that might break if you turn it too hard

5. The Un-Dead Dale Earnhardt
12. Say Uncle

3. Steak Biscuits
14. Police Academy's Leslie Easterbrook

6. Breasts. And how much I like them.
11. Joe "Tournament" Thomas

7. John the Baptist
10. Lyndon LaRouche

2. Even Cowgirls Get the Blues
15. Rain Phoenix's performance, in Even Cowgirls Get the Blues

(Backup players, should these be unable to perform because of injury or whim of God, are listed below).

The Proceedings will begin with the Parade of Flags (no Delaware, you sunsabitches) at 7:45 PM, on December 23, followed by the Airing of Grievances.

The game will be played inside the old CBS series The Flash, hopefully out of the way of Mark Hamill's over-the-top performance as The Trickster.

We have a special series of judges this time around: The Golden Girls are Attending! Betty, Rue, Estelle will be there, and Bea Arthur will be joining us via satellite from Budapest, where she's shooting the film version of the F-Zero video game, as well as Park Overall, from the show Empty Nest, which was spun off of Golden Girls....

A few ground rules:

Don't sit in my recliner.

No betting on the tournament floor. Who the hell bets on the floor? Bet on the action, you dopes.

Down in Front.

Tournament will be shown in its entirety on Channel 4 once reviewed and approved by the Hegemonial Masters, when their schedules allow.

We bow to their wisdom.

Scoring is based on the modified Spears Standard, with priority given to quantity, and not quality.

Backups/Substitutes, each of whom qualified in regional tournaments, in order of their substitution priority:

AC/DC--the Razor's Edge
The guy in the movie store on his cell phone
The Dark Side of the Force
Facetious Lies
President Grover Cleveland
Strippers who appeared on the Richard Bey Show
All the Big Ass in China


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