Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Howard Dean's Rant

By now, you've all heard Howard Dean's rant he gave after Iowa, where his voices rises in intensity to a rumbling shout as he names off the states his campaign will take...and after he says they'll take Washington, DC...Dr. Dean lets out this weird scream.

(Neither of the two links to the speech/rant I found this morning worked, and I'm much too lazy to find another....)

I think the scream was meant to be kind of a primal thing, if anything at all was intended. It came off anything but primal. It sounds almost like he's screaming because he's sat in something sticky.

Some people call it a Rebel Yell a few times, now. The newspeople especially were running with it. No. Just no. A rebel yell comes more from the gut, and is intended to spook the Northern Lines, or at least somewhat mask or confuse the number of men you're charging with.

Chick McGee talked about how it sounds almost like Dean is cutting a wrestling promo....and Chick's closer to the mark, but again, the scream throws the whole thing.

It's not a primal scream, it's a scream of frustration. Almost like Dr. Dean's sat in something nasty.

To me, the scream sounds a bit like the Wilhelm Scream. A little.

Update: A couple of folks were nice enough to leave links to Dean's speech in the comment section. Thanks to both Haws and Khandi.


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