Sunday, January 18, 2004

Presidential Random Thoughts

I'm watching Richard "I'm Whiter than the Andy Griffith Show" Gephardt on Meet the Press, and it just hit me: We aren't even past the Iowa Caucuses yet, and I'm already sick to death of this whole Presidential race. Let's just have one big primary day the first day of February, and then vote for the Presidency on the first of March. I'm not at all in the mood to have ten months of this mess.

I guess the trouble is that I try not to affiliate myself with any particular party, choosing rather the man. And none of the men (or women) incumbent or running to replace him inspire me with any particular confidence. And the way the Democrats have gone about the early stages of the nomination process has all the charm of a hair-pulling smackfight between Chris Lowell and Joan Rivers....I mean, even when a winner is declared, does anybody care? Because the winner is still Christopher Lowell or Joan Rivers.

I think the Democrats' progress is also hindered by the fact that many (myself included) aren't entirely sure Dennis Kucinich actually exists. I think he's a computer generated figment of computer geek's imagination.

Tim Russert and Tom Brokaw were just talking about the guidelines the Dean candidacy has written up for his volunteers....the last rule for his staffers, especially those out amongst the people, was to "smile and have fun." It's just a gut feeling anytime I look at Dean...but he's not a smiley guy, and anytime he smiles he looks like the guy his P.R. handlers have told (mistakenly and incorrectly) to "smile, or the people won't trust you."

I mean Dean doesn't even have a John Edwards' son-of-a-millworker/car salesman smile, that if you let your guard down, you might trust.

I think that I, personally, would respect Howard Dean more if he turned his storied temper loose during a debate. Perhaps even on Tim Russert or whichever representative of the League of Women Voters is moderating the event.

Or even if he declared: "I ain't smilin' cause the country ain't doin' good."

Or something with proper grammar. Dean also looks like the guy who would correct your grammar if you spoke incorrectly.

Just what's on my mind right now.


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