Friday, February 06, 2004

Knoxville Woman files lawsuit against Janet Jackson

Via the Smoking Gun by way of Mr. Ellis:

A Knoxville, Tennessee woman has proposed a class-action lawsuit against CBS, Viacom, Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake, among others, on the behalf of all Americans. In it, the plaintiff and millions of other allege that they suffered outrage, anger, embarrassment and serious injury at the hands of CBS, Viacom et al.

It warms me to the cockles of my heart to have Ms. Terri Carlin looking out for my best interests. We've got a lot of people like that here in the Bible Belt, who are willing to stand up and speak out on the behalf of All Americans without actually checking to see, or actually caring, whether All Americans actually agree that what happened was absolutely the most detrimental thing that happened on Super Bowl Sunday.

I loves me some living in the Bible Belt.

Shit like this bugs me, if only that people's perceptions of Tennessee in general are painted in part by religio-conservative henpecking like this. I mean, it's hard enough to shape that perception that we all own horses and spend half our lives in church without Ms. Carlin speaking out on the behalf of All Americans from her high and holy perch in Knoxville.

I wonder how much trouble it would be for me to file suit saying that I was outraged, angered, embarrassed and suffered serious injury at the hands of this kind of legal action in which something is done on my behalf...since I am an American and this suit was filed on my behalf.

On a completely different note....this is the second post this week concerning somebody named Carlin

And, also, I spelled Justin's name Justine before I corrected it a while ago. It made me smile, anyway.


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