Saturday, April 17, 2004

Dorktivities and Incorrect Spelling

Dorktivities and Incorrect Spelling

Dorktivities a word a heard not long ago. It's become one of my favorites.

I'm heading to the Atlanta Comicon this weekend.

I'd like to hit a Braves game while we're down there. Somehow, the con and the Braves haven't been in town at the same time. Ever. Not once. Out of spite, I believe.

But this convention's part of why I couldn't swing heading down to Atlanta for the Braves/Cubs series last weekend.

It's a smaller convention. But it's got a fun guest list, creator-wise, and there are usually lots of good dealers down there. I'm not looking to buy a whole lot. Don't have a bunch of extra cash. But if I see some play-pretty that I like, I might pick it up.

On an interesting note, when you enter the url for the Atlanta Convention manually, if you spell the contraction "Comicon" like my mind says it logically should be, as "Comiccon," you get porn.

Who knew that there was porno on the internet?

I thought it was kind of shifty of them, to be honest. I thought porno providers were quality, upstanding people.

I mean, usually that's a trick reserved for the church.

Anyway. Around these parts, it's supposed to be sunny and in the 80's. Get out there and enjoy your weekend.

(Also, send me presents. This I command.)


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