Sunday, May 02, 2004

Sunday Morning

Sunday Morning

It's a rainy Sunday here in East Tennessee, where I've come to visit my folks. They've got a tin roof on their cabin in the woods, so you hear every raindrop pretty plainly as it pelts the house. It helps a brother sleep. Nice bit of white noise. But if it comes on you all at once, like it did a few minutes ago, while I was fast asleep, that sudden onslaught of noise can wake you in a hurry.

Then I had to go to the bathroom.

And as I laid back down, for whatever reason, I got it in my head that I thought I might have left the windows on my truck down last night.

As much as I struggled to convince myself otherwise, I'd planted my own seeds of discord. A couple of minutes later, I'd wander out into the downpour to check the windows. Which were up, by the way. So I won the part of the battle where you actually roll up the windows, but I've still not gotten it down to where I can actually remember doing it.

Part of the problem was that last night, the Evil Hippy, his sister, and good buddy Steven wandered over to the National Guard Armory here in McMinn County to take in a pro wrestling extravaganza.

I'll post a couple of thoughts on later. We went to see our friends Barry and Jimmy participate in the in-ring action.

But anyway, I'd gotten around three hours of sleep over the course of yesterday, when I finally made it back to the folks' house, I was in that "lie down before you fall down" frame of mind, where your body tells you "We're shutting things down whether you're actually in a bed or not. You have three minutes."

And literally, I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

So any extraneous information from last night, like whether I'd closed my truck windows, was simply deemed unnecessary last night (my brain was full).


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