Monday, June 28, 2004

Favorite Things

Favorite Things

Seen at Sheila's:

My favorite sculpture:

I have not been exposed to enough artistic culture to answer this question in a meaningful way.

However, I always giggle when I see one of those fountains where it looks like the little kid or the cherub is peeing into the pool.

My favorite painting:

You can't go wrong with The Scream, by Edvard Munch.

My favorite food:

Barbecued chicken has been my answer for a while, but a good burger, cooked on charcoal, about medium, with bacon and a piece of provolone cheese. That sounds good.

My favorite beverage (hot):

Harlan Ellison, in his Hornbook, I believe, has a recipe for the coffee he used to drink before he had his heart attack. It was about 1/2 coffee, with the other half comprised of real cream, baking chocolate, cinnamon and half a dozen other ingredients. A lot of sugar, a lot of caffiene, and a lot of fat, which might not have caused the heart attack, but certain cleared all the trees from the path. It's not good for you. But it's good drinkin', if you make it right.

But regular coffee's fine for me.

My favorite beverage (cold):

I've tried to stay away from sugary stuff lately. But a nice sweet tea is extra good.

My favorite play (modern):

Fences, by August Wilson.

My favorite play (not modern, not Shakespeare):

I like both Uncle Vanya and the Cherry Orchard.

My favorite Shakespeare play:

Twelfth Night

It makes me smile.

My favorite book (non-fiction):

This is tough. Thinking about it, I guess I'd have to say Jim Bouton's Ball Four. Stephen Ambrose's Undaunted Courage, I enjoyed. And Mick Foley's Have a Nice Day is a neat look at a weird career in the squared circle.

My favorite book (fiction):

It's a tossup between The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn or John Kennedy Toole's Confederacy of Dunces. Of Mice and Men is also high on the list. And Harlan Ellison's collection of short stories "Stalking the Nightmare," for sentimental reasons.

My favorite poem:

A Dream Deferred, by Langston Hughes.

(I also like Casey at the Bat).

My Favorite Song:

I don't know. This once changes from day to day. If I had to answer right now, I'd say that I found an old mix CD with a live version of Cheap Trick's "Surrender" that I've listened to about 30 times since I found that CD again.

But I always enjoy "Joe Bean," as performed by Johnny Cash; "the End of the World as We Know it (and I feel fine)" by R.E.M.; "the Foggy Dew" that Sinead O'Connor did with the Chieftains on the Long Black Veil album.

And here lately, "It's a Great Day to Whup Somebody's Ass," by Paul Thorn. They play it on Bob and Tom. It just makes me happy any time I hear it.


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