Sunday, November 28, 2004

This Just Struck Me as Funny

This Just Struck Me as Funny

I think it's stories like this that make it why I read Fark every morning...

Undertaker Fell Into Grave During Funeral

Now, being the pro wrasslin fan that I am, I automatically think of the WWE Icon, The Undertaker.

I imagine that the Taker's at a funeral on his day off from the squared circle Of course, in my imagination, he's not wearing dress clothes at the funeral, or even street clothes. He's wearing the black garb and hat that he currently wears on his way down to the ring. And through happenstance, he manages to fall into a grave. And now, at this funeral, you have a 6'10" heavily tattooed pro wrestler in the grave, rolling his eyes till only the whites how and trying futilely to climb out of an open grave....

But it's not The Undertaker, merely an undertaker.

Still, these lines made me laugh:

An undertaker was knocked off his feet by a gust of wind and blown into a grave during a funeral....He had to be rescued by cemetery staff equipped with a ladder after spending 15 minutes in the grave.

Now, I don't know all the specifics, but I'm assuming that there are people around. We know that a coffin is there, because the undertaker's fell in removing flowers from it.

I wonder if he cursed when he fell in. I've got what some call "a problem" with the casual swearing. It pops into my everyday speech now and then, but especially if I'm startled or surprised. I'm thinking falling into an open grave in front of a mourning family would qualify as a startling and surprising occurrence.

I wonder if any mourners cursed. I think it qualifies as a "Holy Shit" moment.

What's more, haven't you ever been in one of those situations where each minute seems like an eternity? What does 15 minutes of that, at a funeral, with a tiny man down in the grave feel like? For the undertaker? For those standing around at the funeral?

I wonder if anybody laughed. I wonder how many tried like the devil not to laugh. I mean, after the initial shock of "That tiny man fell my father's grave," wore off, and you're waiting the fifteen minutes it takes to find the cemetary workers and a ladder. It's such a bizarre situation, I'm not sure I could resist. If only to ease the tension.

I liked his professionalism, however:

But the funeral director....brushed himself off and carried on with the service.
The man comes in to do his job. This tells me that he probably did whatever he could to draw attention away from the accident. Even while standing in the open grave. Not that drawing attention from your falling into an open grave is that easy a thing to do. Or even a possible thing to do. But still, I'm guessing he didn't mention his imposition, even while down in the grave.

But I think he may have performed a service, without intending to. I don't know who died at the funeral, but I'm assuming he had family, and that his death is tough for some of them. And I'm thinking that some of them may have gotten a private laugh, out of the whole thing. If only for a minute, they had their minds taken off the death.


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