Friday, December 24, 2004

Random Christmas Eve Thoughts

Random Christmas Eve Thoughts

It's a shame Drew Bennett didn't make the Pro Bowl. He's one of my friend Julie's favorite players, though we always gave him hell (and her, by extension) because he's a pretty boy. But you can't deny how he's stepped up this season in the wake of just about every other member of the Titans being injured. Not that I spend a whole lot of time nitpicking and analyzing Pro Bowl rosters (I reserve that sort of obsessive thinking for baseball's All Star game). I just think it's an omission.

I still think they ought to play the Pro Bowl in the weekend between the conference championships and Super Bowl weekend, in those years where there's a two week separation between the games. You'd excuse the players on the two Super Bowl teams from playing in the Pro Bowl. As it stands now, the Pro Bowl's an afterthought. Kind of a "oh yeah, they're playing the Pro Bowl." That weekend between the conference championships and the Super Bowl sucks anyway. It'd give you something to do.

I've been playing 20 questions all week. I'd found it once before, but saw it again at Kung Fu Monkey. This morning, I managed to beat the computer with poinsettia, wrestling ring, and Loch Ness Monster. But the computer beat me on plantain, pickle jar, and it got Lint Roller in an astoundingly short time...something like 7 or 8 questions.


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