Tuesday, February 08, 2005

TV Tuesday

TV Tuesday

TV Tuesday. Because there's something terribly awry with the downstairs toilet. Horribly, catastrophically awry!

Week 42: The Super Bowl
It's the biggest spectacle in all of sports--the Super Bowl. It's more than just a game, it's the pre-game, half-time show, post-game report and the coveted post-Super Bowl spot to pump up a show. And let's not forget the commericals.

This week, we turn our attention to...the Super Bowl.

1. How much of this year's Super Bowl did you watch? Do you watch any of the pre-game hype?

I turned the TV on around 5:15 or so. I missed most of the pre-game mess. That's the wrong word. I didn't watch it, but I didn't miss it.

I watched all the game, though, with one break to take a whiz. One very long break.

2. What was your favorite commercial during the Super Bowl? Least favorite?

I think my favorite was the one for Emerald Nuts, where the guy tells his daughter that if her gives her an Emerald Nut, all the unicorns will disappear, and he gets taken to task for it by a unicorn, and also the Easter Bunny.

The Easter Bunny asking "What's that about?" cracked me up.

The Ford commercial for the frozen convertible Mustang wouldn't have annoyed me so badly if it hadn't run as many times as it did.

But the one that pissed me off was the bit that ran about the combination MP3 player/camera. George Carlin had a bit about how if you can slap two things together that wouldn't normally go together, somebody will buy. That kept running through my head anytime that commercial ran. (I can't count the number of times I've taken a picture and wished that music was playing...)

3. Did you like the half-time show?

No, but that's not a shot against Paul McCartney. I also didn't like last year's halftime show. We turned the channel when PDiddy showed up, and therefore missed the Janet Jackson Titty Flash.

I don't think I've every truly enjoyed a halftime show.

4. What's your favorite food to eat while watching the Super Bowl?


~ BONUS ~ A lot has been made over the years about the post-Super Bowl slot to highlight or launch TV shows. It was the post-Super Bowl spot that brought us the A-Team and the Wonder Years. Do you stay up to watch the post-Super Bowl shows? What is the most memorable post-Super Bowl show you've seen?

I tried to record The Simpsons and American Dad. But in the morning, I was reminded that I'm an idiot who doesn't know how to operate his household appliances.

I consider myself fortunate that I got to watch anything at all after this year's Super Bowl.

See, I don't remember any specific TV show that I liked. Not just after the Super Bowl. But any TV, ever. That's because most Super Bowls at my house end with a fist fight. I've gotten some five or six concussions from these Super Bowl Slobberknockers. My brain is very much the same consistency as Play Doh, because of them. Also, everything smells like vanilla.

Anyway. Marge is telling me to stop remembering TV, and get to work. So I'm gonna let y'all get back to it.


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