Friday, February 04, 2005



I watched a couple of movies yesterday. Had the day off. I was productive for about four hours, and I decided to sit on my butt the rest of the day. So it goes.

I watched The Grudge. I thought they'd have had a better movie if Takashi Shimizu had just re-created his Ju-on shot for shot. He did, in the best sequences. But the Grudge just doesn't have the same creepy energy as Ju-on, which was one of the better horror movies I've seen in a while.

And until yesterday, I'd never seen Heathers. It was one of those that, when I'd mentioned I hadn't seen it, anybody of my generations went "What?!?!?!" So, I saw it. Wasn't disappointed.

And last night, the Filthy Hippy and I went and saw Sideways. I've seen few of the movies recognized as 2004's best, so I wanted to be conversant, at least.

Here's Bill's review. I agree with it, by and large. Upon sleeping on it, I've decided that I didn't much care for the flick, on the whole. It's a little too pleased with itself, with how literate it is. Yeah, I get it that this guy pays attention to wine because paying attention to people is too hard. Now let's move on it.

I do also agree with Bill that M.C. Gainey's Scary Naked Guy (who reminded me a lot of Sweetums, the big brown monster muppet, with his shambling run) was the comic high point. Scary Naked Guy? That's comedy, my friend.

And we both thought it would have been a greater movie had it ended with the scary naked guy appeared at the movie's end, chasing Paul Giamatti down, instead of leaving us to wonder how it's going to end for Miles.

But then, I don't get to make movies. Yet.


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