Thursday, June 23, 2005



I've sat down a few times to try to write something. Anything. Whether it's a story, or it's for a larger project I've gotten stalled on, or it's for the blog. And nearly every time for a couple of weeks now, I've sat down and nothing's come out. There's stuff up in there, but my brain is constipated.

A few random thoughts:

Okay. Nobody gave permission for them to start dumping 95 degree days on us. Add to that the sludgy humidity we get in my neck of the woods, and it looks like a day to swim through the atmosphere.


Danielle dropped me a line to say that the whole Tom Cruise on Oprah thing goes again today. Not that I'd advocate watching Oprah, but we've stumbled upon a (tragicomic?) sideshow to watch in this whole Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes thing. I didn't see the whole episode. I may actually set aside time to see this goofy sumbitch go crazy on a daytime talk show.


I don't use the word "assiduously" enough. But then, who does?


I like lists, and Steve Silver has made one. State by state, the best movies set in each state....


Speaking of constipation, I once cracked a joke in Sunday School about the mathematician dealing with it by working it out with a pencil. The Sunday School teacher didn't get it, but by the end of the church service, she'd figured it out, and had to find me to tell me that it was inappropriate for church consumption.

Isn't there a statute of limitations? Seriously. If you can't figure it out to be offended right then, don't you lose your right to it?


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