Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Drop Him Like a Toilet Seat

Drop Him Like a Toilet Seat

My favorite Chris Penn movies:

1. Reservoir Dogs
2. True Romance
3. Short Cuts
4. Pale Rider

with honorable mention going to

5. Best of the Best

Best of the Best is the best bad karate movie. Ever. It features not only Chris Penn (the lesser known acting sibling of Sean), but also Julia Roberts' lesser known acting sibling, Eric. And they're both part of a team of karate fighters who will be fighting Korea in a contest.

They're coached by a guy who just screams "Karate," Mr. James Earl Jones.

It features Chris Penn's best line reading ever, in any of his movies, when he eggs on a team-member who's fighting a Korean screaming: "Drop Him Like a Toilet Seat!"

It's great cinema.

Check out TBS or Spike TV around 2 in the morning, and you're liable to find Best of the Best.

Or you borrow my VHS copy, on threat of being dropped like a toilet seat.


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