Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Benoit thoughts Early This Morning

Benoit Thoughts Early This Morning

Well, early this morning, I operate on three or four restless hours of sleep. Don't at all look forward to going in and working today, on this little sleep. Should be used to it: this insomnia streak is verging on a couple months, now.

At least I can put a finger on what I was thinking about while sitting up last night.

It's looking more and more like Chris Benoit murdered his family, and committed suicide. Rick Scaia at Online Onslaught's got a better roundup than anybody else.

His reaction is a lot like mine.

I feel kicked in the gut.

I never would have figured that: that at 30, I'd be lying awake at night thinking, bothered about the craziness...the downright literal fucking insanity...of what's happened in a household of a person I'd never met. It's almost laughable, and given a couple days more time, I might laugh about it. But I did precisely that, last night. I don't know if it's what kept me awake, but I do know it's what I thought about while I did the math, subtracting 3:48 from 6:45...

I dunno. Just bothered, is all.


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