Sunday, June 10, 2007

Nuns in the Night

Nuns in the Night

Wandered down to Atlanta to watch the Cubs blow a 4-spot they took in the first, and lose 9-5. No situational hitting. Another bit of bad baserunning from our catcher, who seems to have been eating box after box of Cinnamon Raisin Stupid for breakfast this year.

After the game, we're heading north on I-75, and in what seems to be the norm in any trip north after a Braves game, we stop for traffic caused by a wreck. In the distance, we see the blue lights, we see the red and white lights of the ambulances.

Ever get an image you can't shake? I got one when we passed by the accident scene.

I'm not up on my religious offices, so I'm not sure exactly what we saw as we passed slowly by the scene. I was attempting not to rubberneck, actually. But I saw, lit by the lights of the police cruisers and other rescue vehicles, what looked like a lady in a white habit. I looked, and standing in a circle facing each other were another eight women in white habits, lit by the headlights and calmly speaking to one another.

It was a second-or-so glimpse, and I didn't piece together whether they were in the accident, or were for some reason there for somebody else. It was just a bit of a weird moment, I guess. Definitely stuck with me....


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