Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Big Stupid Tommy's Disjointed Circle of Life

Big Stupid Tommy's Disjointed Circle of Life

I have no real story to tell along with that headline, except to say that I had to run out to my folks' house yesterday before work. I let their two dogs (Maximus and Sally) out to go pee. After several minutes, I turn to see if the dogs are ready to come back in, and I see them playing an odd kind of tug-o-war.

First, it's an odd behavior for the two of them. Maximus, maybe not. He's a pug and he's got seven times as much personality as I do. He's the kind of dog who's never met a stranger. He's got two gears...asleep, and Mach 8.

Sally? She's mix, but a sizable portion of that muttdom is black lab. She's about as laid back a dog as I've ever seen. Every three months, we have to drug test her, because we're pretty sure she's self-medicating. Yeah, you think it's a funny image to see a black lab toking up down behind the shed, but then she comes home and eats you out of every donut and beef jerky you have in the house. Suffice it to say, if she were any more laid back, she'd be stuffed with sawdust and her skin would be stretched over a wire frame.

Anyway. Generally Sally lets Max run all over him, and let's it slide. Takes it as a course of life. Sometimes I think I should model my life after Sally's. Until I remember that she desperately wants to eat bees. I don't get that. She knows it hurts, but still, she'll go chasing a bee around a yard trying to bite at it.

Now, it's not surprising to see Max dragging something around the yard. He just does whatever's next. If "next" happens to be replanting a hickory tree, piece by piece, 70 yards to the south...then that's what's he does. There's a philosophical tenet somewhere in there, too. Sometimes I think I'll model my life that way, until I remember that Maximus, too, like to try to bite at bees.

What is it with dogs and bees?

I digress. Generally, the two dogs rarely come into conflict.

Except for yesterday.

I look outside, and I see them playing their game of tug-o-war. Not typical behavior.

It looks like they are playing their game with a length of rope, maybe three feet long. Maybe a little shorter.

Their battle brings them closer to the door, and pretty much immediately I see what they've been fighting over.

My folks live a little ways out into the country. Not ridiculously far....close enough that you pretty much finish your Quarter Pounder Extra Value Meal and throw it out your car window at the road leading up to my folks' house as you pass by...and far enough out that you feel like it's sufficiently wild enough to throw unwanted puppies onto their driveway.

But anyway, there are deer that wander through, from time to time. So deer aren't uncommon. Just common enough to know that the eternal battle of deer & truck is littered with casualties on both sides.

Still...it's odd to see many dead ones. Between the hunters and scavengers, you don't find too many parts lying around, after a deer shuffles off the mortal coil...

For a moment, I found myself wondering at the circle of life. These two little critters, who've got as much personality as I do, found themselves in the cleanup phase of the circle of life.

Which kind of begs the question, where exactly did I fit, since I was the one who had to pry a deer leg from not one but two sets of jaws, to put in a dumpster somewhere.

I kinda figured Mom wouldn't like it too much coming home to a deer leg in the house. Especially since my stuffed up nose didn't detect it when one of the two shit near the kitchen one day last week.

Anyway. I figure that if there's a deer leg nearby, hoof and all, there's more parts of a deer to be dragged into the yard....

It's what they do. I suppose that's the last cool thing about dogs. Very accepting of their roles in this world....almost instinctively knowledgeable of it.

There are days I'm envious.

Except of that Bee-eating thing. That's just Madness in a Santa hat, right there.


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