Sunday, December 07, 2008

Things People Don't Like...

Things People Don't Like...

Today is Pearl Harbor Day. And, in remembrance, I decided it would be the best day to engage in a series of sneak attacks upon the whole of my co-workers.

Don't know if you know this, but I'm a heavyset 6'4", but I'm as quiet as a soft wind wearing mittens, when it comes down to it. I am part ninja. On my Dad's mother's side of the family.

Like a fifteenth, or something. One-fifteenth ninja.

Ninjas don't study genetics. Or fractions.

Call it a Ninj-Benefit.

Yeah, scaring folks is a dick move.

Coulda been worse. I could have flung hot coffee in somebody's face, without warning. Or perhaps gone barreling into a person with a shopping cart. Or crashed my planes into the decks of their battleships.

Could have, but didn't.

Seems to me that my restraint was admirable.

Admirable Tom.


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