Tuesday, April 15, 2003

I went bowling this morning! Three games for $1.25 a game. My scores were (156, 102, 131).

156 is my best bowling score in a long time. It was a fluke, I think. It was helped by the fact that frames 3-6 were strikes.

The second score is really more typical. I think I had maybe three spares the whole game, and the rest sucked.

The third game I was pleased with, because usually my scores go down from the start. I was predicting something like an 80.

I was so happy that I pooped. Just a little.

Also, the ESPN film Season on the Brink is absolutely repugnant. I rented it at Ingle's, and it's the worst 3 dollars I've spent in a while. The disclaimer at the beginning should have warned me. Essentially, it says that footage and scenes were added without that director's consent, and he thereby disassociates himself from the picture.

I like my small town. But it bugs me that the only place I have a card to rent movies at here in Athens, anymore, when given a choice, will supply only full-screen DVDs. I asked about this, and the woman behind the counter didn't understand what I meant, even when I tried to explain the difference between full screen and widescreen.

I still haven't written about the experiences of this past Atlanta Comicon, beyond the culinary and gastric. I'll think a little more on the weekend.

Except that George Lowe, the voice of Cartoon Network's Space Ghost, was in attendance, and at one point, I heard him call a guy "chief." That's the word I call everybody. Bill says I should have called copyright infringement.


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