Friday, April 18, 2003

There are others, I'm sure more versed in the world of sumo wrestling.

I know that there are stables of wrestlers. Generally, I think, the stables are based on your school or training venue.

Within the stable, the wrestlers are part of a pecking order, with the most successful and experienced wrestlers sitting at the top of the order, and the least experienced neophytes find themselves at the bottom. Naturally.

The wrestlers that enter into the sport have to work their way up from the bottom of these stables. Generally, during training, they find themselves at the beckon call of the wrestlers higher up on the chain. A large part of what they do is cater to the grand champions, the Yokozuna, if you will.

Their duties include fixing meals and helping in the travel of these champions--carrying bags and whatnot. They help them dress and prepare for their matches, as well.

The neophytes are also subject to quite a bit of hazing. I say hazing, but it borders on abuse. I remember reading about Akebono, and he said that when he entered the ranks of the sumo, he was awoken many a night by having a knee dropped on his head.

Here's the worst part: They're also responsible for cleaning the giants. Cleaning in all the places that a 500 pound man is unable to clean by himself. Particularly after bowel movements.

I guess my point is this: my job may suck balls, but at least I'm not wiping the ass of a 500-pound man.


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