Thursday, September 25, 2003

Last Meal?

I watched Run, Ronnie, Run this afternoon, and saw Ronnie's death row dilemma in deciding his last meal (he skips the filet mignon and lobster, and has trouble deciding between his favorites: corn dogs or waffles).

I got to thinking what my last meal would be, were I a condemned man.

I think I'd get the deep fried pickles from Toot's, a double bacon cheeseburger (with cheddar cheese), perhaps from Fat Mo's, a couple of chicken fingers with honey mustard and a couple of peanut butter cookies. Don't know what I'd drink. Maybe a Labatt's. Maybe just a Coke. Or a sweet tea.

The roommate said he'd probably go with an Extra Large Papa John's pizza with everything, since he wouldn't have to worry about the heartburn or the gastric distress.


At dinner, Julie said she'd also go the Pizza route, but she'd get Pepperoni, from Pizza Hut.

Jason, at first being silly and saying popcorn kernels that would pop when he went to the electric chair, finally fessed up and said he'd ask for Lobster.

Just curious what anybody else who's reading would take as their last meal. Comments?


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