Thursday, March 18, 2004


I've been writing most of the morning.

The problem with the internet....the information superhighway, such as it that it's not like a four lane highway that takes you straight to where you want to's more like a small, one lane curving road that is lined on both sides with all the lights, lures and glitter of Las Vegas. And given my slow connection this morning, it's like I'm stuck behind a tractor pulling hay bales.

And I'm so easily distracted.

So when I get online to look something up (checking a fact or wanting to looking for some obscure piece of information), instead of getting right back offline, I end up online for a half hour or more, just farting around. Answering e-mail. Looking at the NCAA bracket or reading stories on fark.

Or updating the blog.

But the writing's done for the day. It was mostly conversation I was writing, and that doesn't always come easy for me. But one of my co-workers tends to come up with colorful phrases or euphemisms, and manages to work non-sequiturs into conversations that throw me into laughing fits that keep me tickled (and a little inspired) for most of the evening.

This wasn't necessarily one of the funny conversations, but it is one we had last night. We were talking about this whole Rhea County resolution. Turns out he lived in Dayton for a year, going to Bryan College. It also turns out that the whole town was just a little too obtuse for him, so he says. It stopped him for a second when I asked if he was just a little too acute for them.

He believes he got pulled over as many times by the police as he did in Dayton because of the bumper tag he had which mocks the Christian fish...his is the "reason" fish eating the "Christian" fish.

On the other hand, I tend to think it's because he drives like a maniac, and given the shape his car's in, he's probably being pulled over to pick the pieces he's dropped up off the highway.

Whichever, the local deputies were devout Baptists, it somehow came up in conversation. It also came out that the co-worker is quietly agnostic, which led into having to explain to the deputy what, exactly, that word meant.

Of course, in the midst of telling me this, he interrupts himself once to tell me that he needs 2 new tires, and again, to mention that there aren't enough words with the letter "G" and another consonant like "N" put together, like they are in "agnostic."

There is no point to this post, other than that I'm still wanting to write, but have said pretty much what I want to on the story, and I still have gas in the tank.


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