Thursday, May 20, 2004

Today's Price is Right Update

Today's Price is Right Update

Do you think there's a producer laughing his ass off at Bob Barker any time a contestant gets on stage who has only a nodding acquaintance with the English Language?

Bob: Okay, which product's price needs a dollar added to it to have the right price

Nelia: (Other language, and then:) Eh?

Bob: You have two products, with prices listed. One is correct, one needs a dollar added to the price. Which one is that?

Nelia: Pie? Eh?

Bob: No, we have David brand Sunflower Seeds and Miracle Gro 7-Day plant food. Which needs a dollar added to the price to move on in the game?

Nelia: Eh?

Bob: Which product?

Nelia: Eh?

Bob: Does the price under the Sunflower Seeds need a dollar added to it? Or the plant food?

Nelia: Plant....Food? Eh?.....


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