Friday, May 13, 2005

Another List: My Favorite Simpsons Episodes

Another List: My Favorite Simpsons Episodes

1. Homer in Space

This one jumped up here recently. Two things: Homer's call to NASA (How come I can't get no Tang 'round here?), his later call to The White House, and also his attempt to one-up Barney's sober singing by doing a limerick while somersaulting.

2. Bart gets an Elephant

This one makes me laugh pretty much every time I see it. From Homer telling Bart to push Marge down, to Homer being overcome by cleaning fluid fumes, and their mascots, to the Elephant Song, which reminds Jasper of Elephants. All kinds of good stuff.

3. Marge vs. the Monorail

I call the big one Bitey.

Leonard Nimoy's guest appearance is one of the series' best guest appearances.

4. Bart vs. Australia

For the whole Austria sign being used, but with the "al" penciled in.

Also, for the bit about the prime minister in the pool.

5. Treehouse of Horror II

I really get a kick out of the Bart-omnipotent-being/Twilight Zone parody.

But Mr. Burns, putting Homer's brain on his head and doing the Davy Crockett impression? That's genius.


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