Friday, August 19, 2005

A small thought....

A small thought....

Breaking the hiatus for a question I posed to myself, half asleep, whilst I used the toilet in the middle of the night, last night.

The question: How much Toilet Paper could I eat?

Say your life, or the life of a loved one, depended on that one small thing.

How much toilet paper could you eat if some madman was holding a gun to that person's head, and the only way you could save them was to eat as much toilet paper as possible? How much? One roll? Two?

It would be clean toilet paper. Not used. Fresh off the roll.

A decent quality kind, but nothing overly fluffy like Cottonelle. Nothing perfumed, or with lotion in it.

Just a good, quality white toilet paper. For sake of conversation, let's say Scott brand Toilet paper.

How much?

Because if you don't start eating, that madman's gonna kill you. Or your loved ones.

What if you weren't allowed to wash it down with anything? How much then? I figure that would be worse than trying to eat crackers without water.

How much could you eat?

Do you think Dan Aykroyd would fare better than the rest of us, due to his experience as a Conehead?

Just wondering.


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