Thursday, October 27, 2005

Tonight's Funny

Tonight's Funny

There's nothing like a good joke.

And this is nothing like a good joke...but it made me laugh....

Two buddies go duck hunting.

They had been hunting for a while when one has to take a dump. So he leans his shotgun up against a fence and goes over to take care of business. Suddenly a strong gust of wind comes along. It knocks his shotgun over and it accidentally discharges and shoots him right in the crotch!

His buddy freaks out and loads him up in the pickup and starts speeding toward town and the nearest hospital. They finally get him into surgery and he's there for almost four hours.

When he wakes up he starts calling for the doctor. The doctor finally comes in and the guy says, "Doc, am I going to O.K.?"

The doctor says, "Well, there was a lot of buckshot damage. I was able to repair most of it. But now I think you need to see my brother."

The guy says, "Oh, is your brother a doctor, too?"

"No," the doctor says. "He's a flute player, and he can show you where to put your fingers so you don't piss in your eye!"


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