Monday, January 02, 2006

Memory problems...

Memory problems...

Eric's having memory and gastrointestinal problems.

I'm thinking my New Year's Resolution, to eat less Fast Food, will help me in this. My memory seems to have a particular hole involving the Krystal hamburger.

See, if I eat even one Krystal (the southern, mustardy cousin of the White Castle, to those of you Mason-Dixonally Challenged), I'm pretty much guaranteed at least one Race with the Devil the next day, because the digestive tract gets all greased up.

But still. Usually once a month, I decide that I'm man enough to eat a Krystal hamburger without having to buy a pack of Depends to use the next day. Because I am an id-driven creature with selective memory.

But it gets worse. Every now and then, I'll tell those nice folks at Krystal to add jalapeno peppers to my little square hamburgerific treat. Tasty, spicy and greasy going in. In short, it's a perfect drunken food.

Problem is, more often than not, I haven't even been drinking, so I can't blame that for my toilet trevails the next day.

Still. Id. All my mind understands is "Tasty," "Spicy," and "Greasy."

Problem is, 12-15 hours later, when it ends its journey through BSTommy, it is still greasy and spicy.

Stupid Jalapenos.

Stupid Tommy.


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