Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Tommy's ABC's

Tommy's ABC's

I'm sitting here watching the State of the Union Address. I got off work, didn't have plans. Remembered that Scrubs comes on Tuesday. And then I remembered that el Presidente must speak tonight. Can't he do it on a night when I'm not looking to watch Sarah Chalke?

But I digress....

I'll do this while I listen....

These are the ABC's of me, right now:

[a is for age]

I'm 28. I'll turn 29 in about three weeks.

[b is for booze of choice]

I've always been a beer guy, when I'm drinking. I like Labatt's, if I'm buying for me. Killian's or Sam. I jumped for joy when I saw Spaten at Fresh Market last week.

[c is for career]

I like to think of myself of a speaker of truths. Also, I've been playing shortstop for the Brooklyn Tip Tops for the last several years.

[d is for dog's name]

There is a black lab named Sally and a pug named Max.

[e is for essential items you use every day]

The toilet. And my writing pad. For the same thing, essentially.

[f is for favorite songs at the moment]

I pulled out the South Park movie soundtrack the other day, and I've had "Blame Canada" going through my head ever since.

[g is for games]

Trivial Pursuit; I also like Scattergories; and I'm stuck on Hot Shots golf for Playstation.

[h is for hometown]

It's a little town called Vladivostok

[i is for instruments you play]

I can still do a bit on the piano. I been tinkering with the harmonica, too.

[j is for jam or jelly you like]

Last summer, I got a cantaloupe jam from the Amish community near here, and it went straight at the top of the list of favorite jams or jellies.

[k is for kids]

It really is, isn't it?

[l is for last kiss]

Dang, dude. I need to get out more.

[m is for most admired trait]

In others, I admire those who are able to do what is right in the face of adversity; I admire people with good memories; I admire those who are organized by nature, but who are not obsessive or demanding about it; I admire those who can speak easily at all times to all people; I admire anybody who can laugh easily, but not maliciously. I'd like to be those things, and I try (except with that whole organization thing--that's a pipe dream....)

In myself? I think I tell a good story. I'm dreadfully loyal. I think I'm a good listener. Good to laugh with. I can take a punch.

And my shit doesn't stink. I've worked hard on that. But I've gotten to a point where I can say that, without fear of being proven wrong. Folks, my shit don't stink.

[n is for the name of your crush]

Don't know. Don't really have one. Unless you count the celebrity crush, like Sarah Chalke or Maura Tierney.

[o is for overnight hospital stays]

Never had one. Unless you count when I was born. Hell, it wasn't until a couple or three months ago that I had my first emergency room visit.

[p is for phobias]

Snakes. I can handle them if I need to get rid of them. But otherwise, I don't want a thing to do with them.

And here lately, I've had a problem with enclosed spaces. That's just popped up in the past three or four years.

[q is for quotes]

I like the one from Tom Robbins Still Life with Woodpecker on the sidebar.

I also like:

"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them." ---Mark Twain

"To the intelligent man or woman, life appears infinitely mysterious, but the stupid have an answer for every question." ----Edward Abbey

[r is for biggest regret]

You know, I've spent too much of my life regretting shit. I've done a good job the past couple of years ending that trend. I've made my choices.

[s is for sweets]

Black Licorice. Also, the Peanut Butter Take 5 candy is very good.

[t is for the time you wake up]

If I'm left to my own devices, and I don't have to open the store, I'll usually sleep to 9 or 10. Here lately, I've gotten back to writing, so I'll make myself get up around 8.

If I've gotta open, I'll get up around 5:30.

We don't like those mornings here at Casa de Stupid.

[u is for underwear]

I certain is.

[v is for vegetables you love]

tomatoes and carrots are high up on the list. Broccoli's pretty good. And there's this comatose lady at the retirement home that I've been confessing my sins to. She's pretty awesome.

[w is for worst habit]

I'm forgetful. I do my best to write stuff down to remember to do it. But I promise to do stuff, and then forget to do it.

Eating late at night. That's bad, too.

[x is for x-rays]

All the dental and orthodontic stuff aside, the only x-rays I've had are when I strained my knee a few years ago. The doctor who looked at them pointed out that I have a very large femur. I now think he might have been coming on to me.

[y is for yummy food you make]

I make a good hamburger. I can grill a good steak, too. I make pretty good cornbread. Around Thanksgiving, I make a really good pumpkin pie.

I can't do a whole lot else.

I have a hard time with chicken, which is a shame, because I love chicken so much.

If I had more time, I think I'd like to start fiddling around a bit more in the kitchen.

[z is zodiac sign]

I come from Pisces.


Stole this time killer from Sheila, who who got it here....


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