Thursday, April 12, 2007

In which he comments....

In which he comments...

No posting, eh?

Just a few thoughts on world events:

  • Kurt Vonnegut was a Giant. To my mind, one of the three or four most important writers of the last half of the 20th century. He is one of the those guys who did, has and will continue to inspire me to write. The humor is a big part of it. The skepticism juxtaposed with a quiet optimism. The simply yet wonderfully rendered language--something that is so maddeningly, paradoxically difficult for me, as a guy who spits words out like he's gonna get Sundays off for filling the most bushels. My favorite is probably Slapstick, but you can't go wrong with Bluebeard or Slaughterhouse Five.
  • I haven't ever listened to Don Imus' radio show, and I've maybe caught 15 minutes in my life of the MSNBC simulcast. He never did much for me, but I feel like his firing was just about the biggest railroad job I've seen in years. It was a contrived, invented issue that doesn't engender any real dialogue. It was a vindictive effort from the lunatic fringe, one that ultimately took us a step backward as a society, not because of some "Widening Gulf of race relations," but because it just goes to show that if you bitch and moan loud enough and long enough in this country, you'll get your way. (Chris had a nice post on the matter, by the way....)
  • This is a few days late, but I was disquieted at the fact that Allan H. "Bud" Selig, the car salesman ostensibly in charge of the game of baseball made upwards of $15 mil. I mean, the guy's gotta get paid, I reckon, but he gets to go to baseball games all the time for free, gets to throw abhorrences like interleague play into my life, and gets to be a gutless no-account excuse for a Commissioner and get $15 million? Dang. There's absolutely no justice in the world.
  • Speaking of baseball, my first comment having to do with a certain team was followed by a three game losing-streak. I will not comment on them further. Because there is some small chance that my actions somehow butterfly-effect into negative results on the North Side. So. Radio silence on such matters.
  • Really, really want to see Grindhouse. May go tomorrow.....


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