Saturday, September 13, 2008

Like comparing Apples and Bananas...

Like comparing Apples and Bananas...

Hello from New York. Or Jersey, as it is this morning. Found a little internet access, and wanted to send a waterlogged hello to the seven of you still reading.

Wandered Manhattan yesterday. Saw a few things I'd always wanted to see. The Naked Cowboy is not one of those things, but I saw him too.

Spent a soggy evening at Yankee Stadium, waiting for them to call the game. There is nothing more optimistic (or is it sadomasochistic) as the umpiring crew for a game meant to be televised nationally. Since the rain was coming harder at 8:00 than it had in any point in the day, we decided to wander back south toward the relative dry of our hotel...

They're making up the game today. The jury is still out....

Anyway. Hindsight being what it is, should have dedicated a few more days to wandering around. Still have today. We'll see what we can get into.


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