Friday, June 13, 2003

I'll play along with this whole Friday Five thing.

1. What's one thing you've always wanted to do, but never have?

I'd love to road trip to all thirty Major League Baseball stadiums and see games at each. Also, pee standing up.

2. When someone asks your opinion about a new haircut/outfit/etc, are you always honest?

Yeah. Which is why I'm hardly ever asked, I think.

3. Have you ever found out something about a friend and then wished you hadn't? What happened?

Beyond somebody discussing their bowel movements, I can't think of a specific instance.

4. If you could live in any fictional world (from a book/movie/game/etc.) which would it be and why?

I'm kinda partial to the universe portrayed in DC Comics. Sure, you have the sun burning out or an alien invasion every couple of months--and it's gotta throw your whole religious belief structure into disarray what with these demigods flying around hurling buildings at each other. But yeah. I'd like to have a Justice League of America to look up to. And a Batman to keep me in line.

5. What's one talent/skill you don't have but always wanted?

Outside of that superhero flying/invulnerability thing?

I'd like to be able to tell a joke. Writing it down on the page is one thing. But to be able to tell a joke, from beginning to end, without forgetting a part, telling parts out of order or completely blowing the timing? That would be sweet!


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