Monday, August 25, 2003

Big Stupid Animals

Just an update. If you do a google search on big stupid Animals? I'm the third entry that comes up.

Hell yes.

Today's been a mixed bag kind of day, so far. I'm going in tomorrow for yet another job interview. I think I did well on my phone interview today, and tomorrow is the next step. We'll see where this ends up. I'm feeling pretty good about this. It's a good paying gig, too.

I'm watching Kurosawa's Hidden Fortress. I like Kurosawa's sense of the epic, but in the face of that, I like how he focuses facially on his characters.

Of course, having Toshiro Mifune, who is one of the most facially expressive actors ever, can't hurt.

And all I'll say about the downside is: I love...absolutely am elated at being related to a person with whom I would never otherwise associate. Especially one who so much gets his kicks by making other people feel bad. He's a man steeped in irony, now that I think about it.


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