Tuesday, August 26, 2003

To make me feel dumb

This guy solved the Rubik's Cube in 20.2 seconds. Why don't we have this guy working on the Ozone layer or figuring out the logistics of solving world hunger?

With a time of 20 seconds, he's got me beat by roughly 2 minutes (and 17 days, 4 months and 3 years). And counting.

I used to work with a charitable organization who helped those with disabilities. We had one feller, whom I'll call Greg, who had suffered a head injury, and had lost his ability to read and had severe memory problems. One day, I had left a Rubik's Cube, completely scrambled, on my desk. He walked by my desk on his break, he picked it up, and stared at it for a good two minutes. I turned away for not more than 3 minutes, and when I came back to the desk, he was just twisting the last piece into position.

When he finished, and I kid you not, he held it up to me and asked: "What is this? This is fun!"

I also watched him once completely annihilate my friend Ed in chess one morning. In the second game they'd played...some 30 minutes after Ed had taught him how to play.

I got really close on a Rubik's Cube, once. There are 26 cubes to be in place, and I had 23 of them in place. The other three were on one side, and for whatever reason, I couldn't get those three to fold into place just right. I set it aside one morning to say, "I'll get it later."

And then it got all mixed up. By somebody else.


I don't even know where my Rubik's Cube is right now.


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