Sunday, December 07, 2003


Say Uncle is making cornbread.

All of which reminds me that we had a teacher in high school nicknamed "Cornbread." It was such an accepted thing to call him that many of the kids, and a couple of the teachers, called him Cornbread to his face. Not a respectable thing to do to a teacher, but as I understand it, he never took offense.

I never had him for a class. He taught Health, and also a couple of periods of Driver's Education.

So it never really came up as to why he was called Cornbread.

It wasn't until several years later that I learned why this man was called Cornbread.

One day, while driving kids around in Driver's Education, he had the kids drive by his house. There, he went in, and came out with a big plate of cornbread, and a glass of milk. Which he ate and drank on the drive from his house back to the school.

And thus, Cornbread was born.

Like I said, it happened a few years before I went to high school.

I commented on the brazen nature of the kids calling him Cornbread. And I guess that he'd been called that for so long, he just stopped getting angry over it.

In grade school, for a couple of months, my nickname was "Awful Kenawful." Because while at a friend's house, I rammed a four-wheeler into the back of my parents' pickup truck. And the teacher who dubbed me "Awful" said that what I was trying to do was jump the truck, like Evel Kenieval, and I just came several feet short.


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