Sunday, January 04, 2004

In Which I get Defamed

The Filthy Hippy, on the World Wildlife Fund winning the court decision a couple of years back to get to use the "WWF" initials, forcing Vince McMahon's World Wrestling Federation to switch to World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE):

Screw the World Wildlife Fund, nobody confuses the South Eastern Conference with the Securities Exchange Commission (Except Tommy).

I resent that.

Doesn't mean it's not true. But I still resent it.

What's really confusing is when fast-food restaurants start advertising SEC (Sausage, Egg and Cheese) Biscuits on their marquees.

I don't know which idea is funnier, a South Eastern Conference Biscuit or a Securities Exchange Commission Biscuit.

As toward the Hippy's comment....he's right. Screw the World Wildlife Fund, and screw all those pandas, too. It's one thing if you think your ground is being tread upon, but the the World Wildlife Fund initially wanted the WWF to not be able to use those letters for any reason on the internet. But some snotty pansy-ass in the World Wildlife Fund got spiteful, and didn't want their organization to be associated with something they found distasteful....

And now, WWF.Com isn't being used by World Wrestling Entertainment or the World Wildlife Fund. Somebody's using it to host a search engine. For Wrasslin'.


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