Sunday, February 08, 2004

Mad Cow

Had a dream last night that my Dad had gotten Mad Cow disease.

Scary, except that in the dream, Mad Cow didn't eat away at his brain, it made him angry, and it made him beat people up. One part of the dream was me walking up to a restaurant, and the front window is broken, with a couple of people lying on the pavement having been tossed through said window by Dad.

Don't remember how we got him out of the restaurant, but there was another part where I was driving, and he was riding in the back of the old Ford Bronco I drove in high school, and he jumps out at a stop sign and starts tipping over cars at an intersection. Or trying to, at any rate. I remember never seeing him pick the cars up, only trying, and then looking back and seeing the cars tipped over.

Don't know how things turned out; whether we calmed him down and got him home, or if he destroyed the world in his Mad Cow rampage. I woke up before I got to the end.


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