Thursday, July 29, 2004

Theater Thursday

Theater Thursday

Theater Thursday, because I once saw a guy stab himself in the forehead with a pencil because he sneezed.

Week 11 - My Life.
This week the topic is YOU.

1) If there was a movie to be made about your life, what actor/actress would portray you?

You know, if Jim Varney were alive, it'd just be a given, what with all the same mannerisms and tastes we shared.

Now, I'm torn between David Prowse and Maggie Smith.  One or the other.

2) What actor/actress would portray your love interest? Your best friend?

Gary Oldman would portray everybody I've ever known in my life.  Male or female.  Old or young.  He'd be on camera all the time. Playing everybody. Chameleon that he is, I'm not sure that he isn't doing that already.

3) What would be the title of your film?

Zim Zang Zoom: the Story of Col. Jimmy Joe Meanpenis and the Marauding of Niota, Tennessee.

Bonus) What moment of your life would be the highlight of this film?

Probably the time I went to Walt Disney World with my family, and got a hug from and a picture with the Robin Hood character, and then got a rash from any place the synthetic hair on the Robin Hood costume touched me.


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