Saturday, July 24, 2004

Those ol' Humpday Blues (On a Saturday)

Those ol' Humpday Blues on a Saturday

I began writing this post Wednesday night, but a phone call interrupted me, and I never got around to finishing it.

On this Saturday morning, just pretend that this is a Wednesday night, and that I'm contemplating the idea of "hump day."

I've known many fine canines for whom every day is hump day.  And they don't seem to mind it at all.

Wednesday.  I've always felt that we're spelling the name of the day wrong.  I think we need to change it to something a little more easy to spell.  Like Jeff.  Or maybe Jeffrey.  Jeffrey's pretty easy. 

Monday, Tuesday, Jeffrey, Thursday....And so on.

Ain't got much on my mind on this Jeffrey.  I watched Ocean's 11 (the Soderbergh version) again.  I've got two favorite scenes in the movie.  The first is when Ocean and Rusty are first discussing what it would take to pull off this heist Ocean wants to pull, and Rusty starts reeling off all the technical jargon in the con game....

Rusty: You'd need at least a dozen guys doing a combination of cons.

Danny: Like what, do you think?

Rusty: Off the top of my head, I'd say you're looking at a Bowski, a Jim Brown, a Miss Daisy, two Jethros and a Leon Spinks, not to mention the biggest Ella Fitzgerald... ever!

I love the little jargon, and I love that it's left up the viewer's imagination to briefly imagine what such a thing as a Leon Spinks is in the con game.  
My other favorite scene in the movie is between Bernie Mac's Frank Catton and the car dealer, whom Frank strongarms, literally, into selling him two white vans at a very, very nice price.

Here on this Saturday, I don't much know how to go about finishing a post.  I don't know what I was thinking five minutes ago, let alone three days ago.  I'll just say that I want you fine folks to go out and have a helluva Saturday.  I hope the weather's pleasant up in your neck of the woods.


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