Sunday, February 20, 2005

Random Thoughts: The Big Too Ayt Edition

Random Thoughts: The Big Too Ayt Edition

28 years ago, my mother was hit with a violent sneezing attack, brought on by an allergy to permanent magic markers, and on the sixth sneeze in a series of fourteen, I popped out of her womb and began my reign of terror on this here Earth.

Well, terror's not the right word. Can you have a reign of apathy?

Yeah. It's my birthday. I was born at 4:30 in the afternoon in 1977. It was a Sunday. By decree, today was also Sunday. I weighed 8 pounds, 8 ounces, at birth. Three pounds of it came in the form of the four-foot wide afro I was born with. The doctor who delivered me said it was like trying to pull a hedgerow through a mailslot.

Went out last night for a birthday celebration. Ate at a greek restaurant. Stuck with the manicotti instead of the traditional Greek menu. I thought I might go with the lamb, or perhaps a shiskabob, but after I saw the devilish grin the waiter wore when he asked if I understood that the they do everything "Greek Style," I swerved away from those choices.

We saw the movie Million Dollar Baby. I'll cut the shit here and just say that Million Dollar Baby is a fine, fine movie. Easily the best movie I've seen in the theater in quite a while. No joke. It's currently at the top of my list for 2004 movies. It sucked me in so completely that I stopped making quiet critical comments to the person sitting next to me (Diane, in this case, and not a complete stranger) maybe three minutes in.

Clint Eastwood's hit a couple of homers in a row, with Mystic River and now Million Dollar Baby. What a great movie. I give it a high, high recommendation.

As for today? Just took it easy. I got a good bit of writing done this morning. The good kind, where you look at the clock and realize that it's a couple of hours later than the clock in your head says it is.

Watched the movie Eulogy, which the nice people at Netflix sent me so that I might continue my quiet obsession with Zooey Deschanel. You know, I wasn't digging the movie at first. It's kind of an ensemble piece where some parts of the ensemble aren't as strong as others (I do not like Hank Azaria in live roles), some parts of the ensemble are miscast (Famke Janssen is hot and all, and good as an X-Man, but not terribly effective as the tough lesbian), and some of the jokes are forced and carried out too long.

Little things save movies for me. Rene Auberjonois saves this one. I don't know why, exactly. But there's just something in his small role that sells the whole movie for me. I had turned the corner toward liking it before he shows up, but he made it worth it for me.

Lastly, one more favorite punchline:

Okay, Okay! I'll do the damn dishes!!!


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