Thursday, May 19, 2005

Jurassic Park III thoughts

Jurassic Park III thoughts

I stopped by Best Buy the other day to buy my copy of Team America.

There was but one checkout open, and I found myself in queue (a word/turn of phrase funny perhaps only to me--honestly, I've been laughing for word should be allowed to have that many vowels in a row.) next to the the impulse splurge rack. You know, where they keep all the things like the cokes, the earbuds for your MP3 player and the cheap DVDs.

I stood, waiting to check out, next to the cheap DVD's. What should be right there in my line of sight but the widescreen edition of Jurassic Park III?

Well, finding myself surprisingly open to suggestion, I pulled Jurassic Park III off the rack.

Now, bear in mind that I've perhaps had a few too many beers while watching said movie, but there is but one thought I have to offer on a movie I haven't seen since I first saw it in the movie theater.

Seriously...if I'm trapped on an island full of lizardly predators, I can think of roughly 3 billion people I'd rather have on my side than a character played by the late Michael Jeter.

I mean, seriously. Why not have the plane piloted by a guy played by Jean Claude Van Damme? At least then you get to have a cool fight scene. Wouldn't you pay good money to see Jean Claude throw down with a raptor? I mean, we know he couldn't whup a Stegosaurus, but a Velociraptor might be a good fight.

With Michael Jeter, all you get is screaming with a southern accent.

I get that at least twice a day from myself, because nobody around McMinn County knows how to use their turn signal.


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