Sunday, July 03, 2005

A brief War of the Worlds Thought

A brief War of the Worlds Thought

I went to see War of the Worlds a couple of days ago, and I said in an earlier post that it's a popcorn type movie that doesn't need and won't bear much thought.

And I stand by that, even though there's been one really spooky image that just keeps coming back into my head.

Ray (Mr. Cruise) and family are on the run. Their van's just been taken by the throng of people, and they're making their way through the town on foot, on their way to the ferry.

They come to a train crossing, where the crossing guard system comes on, red lights flash and the bar comes down to keep people from crossing the tracks. And a train rolls through, only it tears through without sounding its horn, and it does so engulfed in flames, sparks flying in its wake.

And for the most part, nobody bats an eye, except to maybe flinch from another possible blow. Aliens?!?!?!? No. Just a burning train.

It was just a spooky moment, for my money the spookiest of the movie, and it's kept popping back into my head this weekend.


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